Friday, October 26, 2007

Ways to Make Money Online by Writing (Part 2)

If you haven't read part 1 of this article, please click here

Being a Freelance Writer

There are several freelancing writing jobs on the internet. Individual people are always looking for writers for their projects. Some of the projects pay good money, others not much. It is up to you to decide which projects you accept and which you’ll pass on.

Then there are projects you have to bid on. It means people post an offer at places like and the person who bids the lowest usually is given the contract, though it is not always so. Getting into a bidding war probably won’t be worth the price of the project being paid.

Here are a few places you can look for freelance work:
  • Bidding - Elance is a bidding site where you will find several postings for and the advertiser has the option to choose from the bidder he sees as best, could be because of low rates or quality.
There are several others and you can find more from one of the market places above.

Get paid for blogging
You can also get paid for blogging. They are plenty of advertisers like to pay bloggers for writing and posting a review about the advertisers products and services on their blogs. Some of them pay well.

Here are some resources where you can get paid for blogging. Check out,,,,,

Alternatively, bigger money is in writing for yourself, that calls for another topic altogether. You can write for yourself and earn though creating websites and promoting them with articles and selling affiliate products, selling your own ebooks, selling article packages and numerous other ways.

Writing can prove to be very profitable if you only know how. The primary factor to be taken into consideration is your writing skill. Most of us are not born writers but we can always strive to be the best and provide quality. High quality attracts high pay.

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