Sunday, October 7, 2007

Freelance Money Making Tips: What does It take to Succeed as an Online Freelancer (Part 2)

In case you haven't read part 1 of this article, please click here.

Client relationships

This is almost like romance. If you don’t nurture your relationship properly, there is a chance of losing your loved one (in this case, your client) to others. If you let your relationship with your client get stale, your client will start looking at others who are more attractive. In case of a freelancing career, attractiveness stems from being quick in turnarounds, competitive rates, friendly nature, and prompt correspondence.

There are a few things a freelancer needs to do to keep the client relationships alive and fresh. Make sure to ask your clients for suggestions on how to improve your services. This shows your client that you respect their wishes and consider them important enough to take their opinion, and wish to provide the best service possible to them. It would be good to offer long-standing clients discounts every once in a while, could be on a special occasion or something. If your clients have other needs, make sure you guide them to other professionals that can help them with their needs.

In some cases, where the client is truly worthy and valuable to your freelancing career, you may wish to take your relationship offline by having a phone conversation with them. This makes most clients very comfortable. If they wish to call you, let them. Be there for them 100% of the time. You must act more like a consultant to your client rather than a freelancer. It’s important to have clients but more important to have happy clients.

Backup policy
There are times when you may not be able to work or complete important assignments due to illness or some emergency, like being abducted in a spaceship. Client is not going to bother about all that if this job is urgent for him. You can find people you know and trust can do as good a job as you and get the work done by them. You don’t actually have to get them to connect with your client, if you are afraid they may take your place. You can get the work done by them and send it to your client. A backup policy is a must.

Being firm and assertive
We did talk about catering to the client and keeping them satisfied. This sure does not mean letting them trample all over you. You are a freelancer who provides services and have many clients that need to be taken care of. Let nobody command you or demand things from you. A request is acceptable but not a demand. It is important to remember that a freelancer is not an employee to the client. The beauty of freelancing is to be able to get away from bossy employers and do things your way. Being firm yet professional and nice is the way to go about it. You do not need to work under pressure. You should also be ready to fire your difficult clients.

Word hard
Working hard is the key to being successful. Take enough rest, get enough sleep and that will increase your productivity, but do not let yourself taking more rest than work, that makes you lazy. You cannot get anywhere with that kind of attitude. Work as hard as you can and achieve what you set out to. Eat healthy and make sure you do not fall sick. This may seem like frugal advice to you but rest assured this is almost at the top of the to do things before getting into a freelancing career.

Get going right now. Freelancing is scary if you are not willing to give it your best, if you are not willing to follow the advice given above. If you have the right mind set and the attitude that you are willing to go to any extent to give the best to your client, this career is for you and the most lucrative. Being your own boss is the most blessed thing. Get prepared with all the ammunition that is required and you will be a very successful freelancer.

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