Where do I start???
If you are at the generic starting point, the first thing is for you make a list of your interests and passions. Some of them may be downright silly, but that’s perfectly acceptable. For example, my list would be writing, reading, internet marketing, health, yoga, success, motivation, and animals. I don’t know much about music and that’s okay with me. To succeed in anything in life, being passionate about it is the key. Keep that list aside, you will need it later.
There is more than one way to skin the cat. Let’s first take a look at some common ways of making money on the internet.
Survey Sites
These are silts that give you surveys. If you qualify for a particular survey, you can earn anywhere between $10 to $50 for taking one survey. If you fall in the right demographics, you will be earning at the most a few hundred dollars per month. You will not ever get rich from doing these surveys. Remember, never to pay for any of them.
MLM – Multilevel Marketing
You get people to sign up and they in turn have to do the same. Some of these MLM programs go as deep as 10 levels. Just be cautious with the ones that have no service or product, as they are considered illegal pyramids and will be shut down eventually. These programs, when legit, do work perfectly. You need to get the guidance of a seasoned marketer to understand which ones are good. The earning potential can literally be thousands and millions of dollars per year. The fact is that most people who join these fail. About 5% of people who have success with these programs fall in the income range of below $10,000. Only about 1%-2% make above $10,000/month. Be very cautious because they are not everyone’s cup of tea.
Affiliate Marketing - Selling others products
Selling others products is called Affiliate Marketing and this can be wonderfully lucrative if you have enough time to promote the products. Everything depends on the product and how you advertise. You must ensure you choose a product that people are interested in.
Clickbank is a major company that offers this service. You need to do a lot of research on a product before trying to sell it. There are hundreds of products to choose from. The earning potential with affiliate marketing is unlimited. Just like MLM, most affiliate marketers fail, because they don’t know how to advertise.
To read part 2 of this article, please click here.
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