There are a few reasons why ebay auctions fail:
Low product demand
The most common reason is that the product listed for sale in ebay is lack of demand. This problem can be overcome by doing the necessary research to determine what items sell well, and which items should be avoided. Researching on products demand can takes a great deal of time – but in the end, you will find that it is worth spending time on product research.
Incorrect pricing
Your product pricing can be another cause to your ebay failure. No matter what reserve price you set, your opening bid price should never be greater than $50. This is how you will attract potential buyers to place a bid on your auction. Many people come to ebay to search for great deal, if you set your opening bid too high, most people won’t even click the link to read the description for your item. Another pricing problem is lack of research. Before you set your reserve price, you must determine what the item is really worth, and the price similar items have sold for in past eBay auctions.
Poor product description
Another reason of ebay failure is Poorly written product description. Descriptions that contain grammar errors and misspelled words drive people away. Make sure that your description is written well and describe your product exactly. Also have you noticed that some ebay auctions have no product photos included? eBay visitors like to see how the items look like before buying.So auctions that have no product pictures will also keep people away from visiting the auction pages.
Shipping price too high
Moreover, high shipping charges will discourage people place bid on your auctions. Try to find the lowest shipping prices for your bidders. And to make things better, you may think about paying for the shipping fee yourself if it won’t cut into your profits too much. If possible, don't charge handling fees as well.
Offer fast ‘customer service’ for all of your auctions, and ask your buyers to give you feedback. If the items that you sell are exactly you said in your auction, and you offer great customer service, you can expect wonderful feedbacks from buyers – and these feedbacks will strengthen your creditability and reliability that will help a great deal in your future auctions.
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