Monday, October 29, 2007

Make Money Online by Monetizing Your Site or blog with Ads-Click Ads

Ads-Click PPC advertising network isn't popular as Google AdSense and Kontera ContentLink. But it can be another good money maker for web publishers and bloggers as publishers who display ads-clicks ads will earn 80% advertising revenue share which is higher than any other PPC revenue-sharing ads networks.

Publishers is free to select the keywords that best match their visitors interest and Ads-clicks will automatically display the highest paid PPC text ads based on the keywords selected to maximized publishers earning.

Ads-Click tends to give more options to publishers in term of text ads format selection. Publishers have the flexibility to choose from IAB banner ads, Tag Clouds, Inline Text Links, for displaying on their sites and blogs.

IAB banner ads is very similar similar to Google AdSense ads and they can be customized for ad size, background, header, text colors, keyword color, and mouse-over color.

Tag Clouds
Tag Clouds display a list of keyword tags with different size reflects popularity. Here's a screenshot of Ads-Clicks Tag Clouds.Inline Text Links
The system will convert the relevent keywords in your content into Ad-Clicks double-underline text links and when a visitor point the mouse to a Ad-Clicks double-underline link, an ads will show up.

How to Use Ads-Click to Increase Your Online Revenue
The more advertising programs you use on your site or blog, the more revenue sources you'll have. Ads-Click IAB banner is too similar to AdSense, so it cannot be used together with AdSense. But their Inline Text Links can become another source of your online revenue besides AdSense as they have no conflict with AdSense policies. But if you have been using AdSense and Kontera ContentLink on your blog then Ads-Clicks Tag Clouds may be a good combination to this 2 Ads programs.

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