Establishing credibility and visibility go hand in hand and establishing both are critical to your success and your victory over your competitors. Credibility and visibility can be established in several ways:
Writing and marketing articles related to your product
You need to become the guy or the gal that others go to when they need information or need questions answered. Writing articles (or having them written for you by a ghost writer) is one of the very best ways of establishing your reputation as a person who has answers.
Articles that you write or have written for you by a ghost writer will be uploaded into article banks for other website owners of E-zine publishers to download and reproduce free of charge. At the bottom of each 400-1,000 word, key-word rich article you will include a resource box that has your name and your website address in it. This helps to spread your name and news of your knowledge around the Internet to those who are the most likely to be your customers.
Creating and marketing your own e-books
E-Books should only be 10 to 12 pages long but a link to your website needs to be included on every single page as well as in the resource box at the end. E-Books are uploaded to E-Book repositories where others may download them and reproduce them just like articles.
Because it is required that E-Books cannot be altered and that resource box information must be included when E-Books are downloaded and reproduced, your reputation as an expert in your field will be enhanced each time anyone chooses to use them.
Posting to blogs and forums
Another way to build your visibility and your credibility on the Internet is to post to blogs and forums that have topics related to the products and services which you sell. It is a very simply matter to find these forums and blogs. Simply type your related key word into the search box of your favorite search engine followed by the plus sign (+) and the words blogs or forums. You will get many hits.
Choose the three or four of the ones that have the largest number of active members and join those blogs or forums. Be careful here. Posting to blogs and forums effectively is going to take several hours of your time every week so don’t choose too many.
Once you have joined three or four blogs and forums do not go in with guns blazing posting blatant advertisements. The idea here is to build visibility and credibility. Introduce yourself and behave as though you had just moved into a new neighborhood. Your signature tag that appears at the bottom of each and every post that you make should have your name as well as a link to your website.
It takes time to build your visibility and credibility. While you are building them, you will also be promoting and selling products and services and you want to establish a good relationship with those who buy products and services from you. Be sure that you provide good information, good service and a guarantee if one applies.
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