Saturday, January 12, 2008

How To Make Money Online

Marketing online isn’t as easy as some people make it out to be. If you don’t know what you are doing, you can quickly lose a lot of money. There is a correct way market and make money online.

First you will want to set up a marketing budget that you can follow each month. Make sure that you do not to set your budget to high, because you are just starting out so you will want to take your time and test your methods as you proceed. A good marketing budget to set would be a couple hundred dollars. This will allow you to test a number of things like Google adwords, yahoo, and maybe even a good press release or two.

This moves us into the next part of how to market and make money online. You must test your ads first. Not every ad you post or submit is going to work. So make sure you test your ad to first see what kind of results you get from it. At the end of your test if you like your results you have gotten then you know this ad will work, and you can then invest more money into it.

The next most important thing to do with any marketing campaign is to track your ads. You could have the best ads in the world running, but if you are not tracking to see which ads are converting into sales you could be wasting a lot of money and not even know it! So make sure that no matter what type of ad you are running that you have a way to track it, and see if it is worth keeping or not.

Finally you will want to stay educated. There are always new ways to market online. So it is very important to read up and educate yourself on these new ways of marketing. You can do this by reading messages boards, or surfing the web for new ways to market. Always remember though. Test every new marketing spot you find before you go and invest a lot of money into it.

John Spohr, M.S.M is a 27-year veteran of the Computer industry specializing in B2C eCommerce systems. For information on EDC Gold, an online business that can put significant cash in your pocket daily, visit his site online at

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