The word "advertise" means "to describe or present (a product, organization, idea etc) in some medium of communication in order to induce the public to buy, support, or approve of it". It has been derived from the Latin word" advert" that means" to turn or pay attention to".
There are mainly two kinds of advertisement-
• Informative
• Persuasive and competitive.
For marketing of articles, you need a judicious combination of both. Modern age is an age of advertising, and in recent years, there has been unprecedented growth in advertising through articles. Writing article is not as simple as collecting data or putting your thoughts together. Writing article is an art and the art needs to be practiced thoroughly with commitment and dedication. It is basically displaying high-minded sentiments about life, the world and business in general. This is "prestige advertising" or "company advertising".
The basic thing to analyze and understand is the" target audience". All articles have a target audience- an audience for which they have an immediate appeal, or in other words, people for whom it has straight relevance. And at the same time also take care that even a discerning reader also recognizes its wider appeal. The article has to be balance between general interest of public and particular interest of target audience. Only this will increase the base of article and its readership.
Attractive layout that also makes an aesthetic appeal is widely recognized as an essential ingredient of effective advertising. In today's world when packaging and marketing is the keyword, one need to understand the logical behind article marketing to make it to the pinnacle of success. The backbone to article marketing is a good and impressive article. Modern day article writing and advertising has become highly professional.
Following are the basic things one needs to understand to do effective article marketing
1. Clear writing- all effective writing is clear writing. The language of the article should be simple, lucid yet interesting and exciting area of study.
2. Choice of words- H.W Fowler has laid down five golden rules in his book "The king's English" –
Prefer the familiar to the far-fetched;
Prefer the concrete words to the abstract;
Prefer the single word to the abstract;
Prefer the short word to the long;
Prefer the Saxon word to the romance;
Fowler's advice was long given but it is as useful. In article writing it is indispensable. Article written in good language will generate interest and curiosity thus calling for self advertisement.Divide the article in small paragraphs. And the golden rule of article writing is DO NOT MAKE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. Substandard articles might call the day off for you. Punctuation marks yet another area that we generally do not check thoroughly. But it definitely goes a long way in your advertisement of article. Correct spellings and good vocabulary are always a hit.
Make the reader your friend. So, remember these simple tips and in no time will you see your article getting good ratings and readership.
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