Stephanie & Greg Mulac will be doing a teleseminar on monday, Oct 01, 7pm EDT. They have invited Robert Puddy to join them in the call to discuss about membership site business. Robert will explain in step-by-step how a membership site can turn your online endeavors into a literal goldmine.
This is a free call that you listen to find out how a membership site can change the way you make money online and take you online business to next level. So you may not want to miss it.
Register free for this upcoming call at
Sunday, September 30, 2007
How to Start Making Money Online as a Freelancer (Part 1)

Project managers do not choose the best freelancer, as there is no way one can determine who is the best. Winning a bid is more of an elimination process, rather than a selection process. It all boils down to how you market and sell yourself successfully. If you have a winning strategy to market your skills and make all the right moves, you will never have a dearth of projects.
After having made the decision to be a ‘freelancer’, how do you take off? Where do you find the work you are looking for? There are tons of options for you that help you in becoming a free agent. Some are free while others require you to pay a small membership fee. All of them will help you find freelance work.
Sites that list projects
There are several sites that help match employers and freelancers. Employers post details of their requirement and freelancers place their bids, outlining their expertise, how much they would charge for the job, and the turnaround time etc. Some of the best sites are:
Craigslist is a great place where you find freelance work. Here reputable companies post advertisements, in order to find individuals to do their work. Jobs are posted daily and this is free to join.
Rentacoder and Getafreelancer
Both rentacoder and getafreelancer are free to join and require no fee; however, once you land yourself a project, they take commission from the money earned. You will have to be smart enough to bid slightly higher than you would normally, so that the commission fee is taken care of.
Job Boards that charge
There are several job boards that charge a small fee for the service provided. They have listings for freelance projects. They all work on the same lines as rentacoder etc. The initial amount they
Getafreelancer also has a gold membership apart from the free membership. You will not have to pay a commission if you join this. Elance offers you an opportunity to auction your professional services to the highest bidders.
Register at these sites. Register at several such sites to increase your chances. Just ensure you don’t take on more than you can handle. Not only registering, you must submit your skills and your resume should be in perfect shape. It must be current and detail your expertise and skills. If you are not good at preparing a resume, take the help of a professional, as you do not get a second chance at making a first impression. Search for projects that fit you and bid for them. There will be many people who are equally qualified that you would be competing with.
Other sites
There are several job boards that you can look at. Every type of freelance career has job boards specific to the subject that always have listings of jobs. You can find lots on the internet if you Google. Even places like sometimes have freelance job listings.
To read part 2 of this article, please click here.
How to Start Making Money Online as a Freelancer (Part 2)
In case you have not read part 1 of this article, please click here.
Joining a team
There are several companies that work on creating groups of freelance professionals of different specialties. They screen all the freelance applications and select the best out of them. Companies like are reputed and have been in this business for many years and can be trusted.
Initially, when setting out to find freelance jobs, it would seem tedious and unending, as you go about biding for various jobs and applying to classified ads. But soon enough, you will find the methods that work best for you and you will learn where you need to concentrate your efforts on.
How to be competitive
Once you have started freelancing and landed yourself jobs, now its time to think of getting projects consistently.
You may get the first projects easily, but further projects depend solely on your skills, experience level, and your ability to complete the project in the time frame given. Being the best competitor on the block is the only way to go. Keep upgrading your skills if required and get additional training if necessary.
Dormancy kills
Never be dormant. Bid on as many projects as you can to stay in the game. Keep searching for projects and bid….search and bid. This is the only way to stay in the competition.
Being Proactive
Help clients with their business issues. Give them ideas to improve their business and profits and cold call them if it helps. Mail promotional postcards to clients. Give annual or seasonal discounts to long-standing clients to show that you appreciate their business.
Understand before bidding
It is always a good idea to wait on your bidding, until some other freelancers place their bids. This enables you to learn the average rate that is being bid.
Ask questions
Nobody likes people who think they know everything, without even understanding the requirement of the person looking to freelance work. Clarify all your doubts
before bidding, and this will create a sense of trust in the person offering the work. They will understand that you are the type of person who will do a detailed job by understanding the subject and that they can count on your for quality work.
Be in the picture
Show off your expertise in your field and be seen. Pitching articles to publications or stories to blogs or the website greatly helps. Submit tutorials to various websites in the field, or you can even write an eBook or report on the subject and promote it online, all the time promoting yourself as a freelancer.
A word of caution though. Wherever you look for freelance work online, there is no way of knowing if the person who is posting the job opportunity is genuine. With experience, you will understand how to segregate the good opportunities from the bad ones.
It will be a cakewalk landing projects if you understand what you are getting into and know how to go about it. Be the best and let others wonder how you do it.
Joining a team
There are several companies that work on creating groups of freelance professionals of different specialties. They screen all the freelance applications and select the best out of them. Companies like are reputed and have been in this business for many years and can be trusted.
Initially, when setting out to find freelance jobs, it would seem tedious and unending, as you go about biding for various jobs and applying to classified ads. But soon enough, you will find the methods that work best for you and you will learn where you need to concentrate your efforts on.
How to be competitive
Once you have started freelancing and landed yourself jobs, now its time to think of getting projects consistently.
You may get the first projects easily, but further projects depend solely on your skills, experience level, and your ability to complete the project in the time frame given. Being the best competitor on the block is the only way to go. Keep upgrading your skills if required and get additional training if necessary.
Dormancy kills
Never be dormant. Bid on as many projects as you can to stay in the game. Keep searching for projects and bid….search and bid. This is the only way to stay in the competition.
Being Proactive
Help clients with their business issues. Give them ideas to improve their business and profits and cold call them if it helps. Mail promotional postcards to clients. Give annual or seasonal discounts to long-standing clients to show that you appreciate their business.
Understand before bidding
It is always a good idea to wait on your bidding, until some other freelancers place their bids. This enables you to learn the average rate that is being bid.
Ask questions
Nobody likes people who think they know everything, without even understanding the requirement of the person looking to freelance work. Clarify all your doubts
before bidding, and this will create a sense of trust in the person offering the work. They will understand that you are the type of person who will do a detailed job by understanding the subject and that they can count on your for quality work.
Be in the picture
Show off your expertise in your field and be seen. Pitching articles to publications or stories to blogs or the website greatly helps. Submit tutorials to various websites in the field, or you can even write an eBook or report on the subject and promote it online, all the time promoting yourself as a freelancer.
A word of caution though. Wherever you look for freelance work online, there is no way of knowing if the person who is posting the job opportunity is genuine. With experience, you will understand how to segregate the good opportunities from the bad ones.
It will be a cakewalk landing projects if you understand what you are getting into and know how to go about it. Be the best and let others wonder how you do it.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Learn How to Make Money Online Using Video from Michael Koenigs
Over 800 people attended the online video marketing webinar with Michael Koenigs hosted by Joel Comm on Monday. The webinar has given a lot of information and tips on how to quickly make videos that generate traffic and revenue for your website.
You may have missed this webinar. But fortunately, the whole session of the webinar has been recorded and is now available for free access at
You may have missed this webinar. But fortunately, the whole session of the webinar has been recorded and is now available for free access at
Free Blog Templates for Blogspot Bloggers
I know many of you who use Blogspot blogs to make money online aren't satisfied with your current blog templates provided by Bloggers. I recently found a site providing professional blog templates free for blogspot bloggers.
Most of the templates in the site are converted from Wordpress templates. The colour, layout and design of these templates are interesting and interactive. I think you will like them.
Most of the templates in the site are converted from Wordpress templates. The colour, layout and design of these templates are interesting and interactive. I think you will like them.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - Turn Your Photos into Cash hosts
photos uploaded by people around the world and help sell their photos. The process of selling your photo and images in is pretty simple:
Step 1 : Sign up with 123RF to be a member of 123RF.
Step 2 : Upload Your Photos. Log in. Next, click on Upload Image to submit your photos and 123RF will sell the photos for you.
Step 3 : Keep submitting photos to earn more!
How much you can earn?
123rf pays you 50% of the nett proceeds from each of your photo downloaded or sold. Besides that you'll earn $0.36 per subscription download.
There are also other ways to make money with 123RF. Here's how:
Refer customers
You can help promote 123RF online and send customers to 123RF. For every purchase made by customers referred by you, You will receive 15% of the purchase price.
Refer photographers
When you refer your photographer friends or colleges to join 123RF, 123RF will pay you when someone purchases the photos of the photographers referred by you. You'll receive 10% of the price for each of their photo sold or downloaded.

Step 1 : Sign up with 123RF to be a member of 123RF.
Step 2 : Upload Your Photos. Log in. Next, click on Upload Image to submit your photos and 123RF will sell the photos for you.
Step 3 : Keep submitting photos to earn more!
How much you can earn?
123rf pays you 50% of the nett proceeds from each of your photo downloaded or sold. Besides that you'll earn $0.36 per subscription download.
There are also other ways to make money with 123RF. Here's how:
Refer customers
You can help promote 123RF online and send customers to 123RF. For every purchase made by customers referred by you, You will receive 15% of the purchase price.
Refer photographers
When you refer your photographer friends or colleges to join 123RF, 123RF will pay you when someone purchases the photos of the photographers referred by you. You'll receive 10% of the price for each of their photo sold or downloaded.
Increase Your Affiliate Commission Using Camtasia
Since there are tons of people already involved in affiliate marketing, it is no wonder that the competition of affiliate industry is getting fierce. To survive and make a consistent income from affiliate marketing, you have to try and outdo other affiliates and think of ways to be able to attain this.
These affiliates have learned so many techniques and tips in order to best plan their marketing strategies for their program to work effectively so that more affiliate commission will be earned.
What better way to wow your prospects and customers than to record and publish top notch, full motion and streaming screen-captured videos. Nothing like feeling your hard work getting paid by having your customers jumping up excitedly in great anticipation to buy your product right there and then.
Camtasia videos
This is Camtasia in action. It is a proven fact; giving your customers something they can actually see can boost your online sales instantly.
Anyone can create stunning videos, from multimedia tutorials and step-by-step presentations available online. The process is like having your customers seated next to you and looking at your desktop, as you show them the things they need to see and hear. All this done step by step.
How does Camtasia works actually?
1. It can record your desktop activity in a single click. No need to have to save and compile all your files because it is recorded right there and then.
2. Can easily convert your videos into web pages. Once converted you can have your customers visiting that certain page. Videos are easier to understand and take in unlike reading texts which oftentimes is a trying thing to do.
3. Upload your pages. Publish them through blogs, RSS feed and podcasts. You may want your Camtasis videos to get around and reach out to other people that may be potential customers in the future. Nothing like being visible in many sites and pages to advertise yourself and get your message through.
Other things you can do with your affiliate program using Camtasia
Note that the main purpose of using Camtasia is to boost the income that is generated from your affiliate program. Although it can be used for entertainment and enjoyment purposes.
Try to focus on the goal that you have set upon yourself to and achieve that with the use of the things that may be quite a lot of help in increasing your earnings.
These affiliates have learned so many techniques and tips in order to best plan their marketing strategies for their program to work effectively so that more affiliate commission will be earned.
What better way to wow your prospects and customers than to record and publish top notch, full motion and streaming screen-captured videos. Nothing like feeling your hard work getting paid by having your customers jumping up excitedly in great anticipation to buy your product right there and then.
Camtasia videos
This is Camtasia in action. It is a proven fact; giving your customers something they can actually see can boost your online sales instantly.

Anyone can create stunning videos, from multimedia tutorials and step-by-step presentations available online. The process is like having your customers seated next to you and looking at your desktop, as you show them the things they need to see and hear. All this done step by step.
How does Camtasia works actually?
1. It can record your desktop activity in a single click. No need to have to save and compile all your files because it is recorded right there and then.
2. Can easily convert your videos into web pages. Once converted you can have your customers visiting that certain page. Videos are easier to understand and take in unlike reading texts which oftentimes is a trying thing to do.
3. Upload your pages. Publish them through blogs, RSS feed and podcasts. You may want your Camtasis videos to get around and reach out to other people that may be potential customers in the future. Nothing like being visible in many sites and pages to advertise yourself and get your message through.
Other things you can do with your affiliate program using Camtasia
- You can create stunning multimedia presentations that are proven to increase sales because all the senses are engaged. This also has the tendency to reduce skepticism among hard-to-please customers.
- Reduce refunds and other customer issues by demonstrating visually how to use your product and how to do it properly. Complaints will also be minimized because all the facts and the presentation are there for the customers to just see and hear about.
- Promote affiliate products and services using visual presentations. This is an effective way of redirecting your viewers straight to your affiliate website after they are finished with the video. Make the most of the presentation by putting your site location in the end and make them go there directly if they want more information.
- Minimize miscommunication with your customers. Instantly showing them what you want they wanted in the first place is making them understand clearly the essence of your affiliate program. The good thing about multimedia is, nothing much can go wrong. It is there already.
Note that the main purpose of using Camtasia is to boost the income that is generated from your affiliate program. Although it can be used for entertainment and enjoyment purposes.
Try to focus on the goal that you have set upon yourself to and achieve that with the use of the things that may be quite a lot of help in increasing your earnings.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Niche Content Providers Needed in
Niche Content Packages supplies content to people who need quality articles and content to
maintain and grow their websites, blogs, newsletters or e-zines. Content buyers and members are always expecting good quality of work from Niche Content Packages. To satisfy the buyers and members expectations, Niche Content Packages is looking continuously for accomplished and skilled writers who are able to satisfy the demands of their members and buyers from all over the world.
You may open a writer account with Niche Content Providers and starting writing and submitting original content on any topic or submit content based on the members' requests. When someone purchase your content, you'll earn money. Niche Content Providers only accept writers from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand at the moment.

You may open a writer account with Niche Content Providers and starting writing and submitting original content on any topic or submit content based on the members' requests. When someone purchase your content, you'll earn money. Niche Content Providers only accept writers from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand at the moment.
A Simple Guide to Selling Expensive Items on eBay
You may think that selling expensive items is very different from selling inexpensive items on eBay. But the fact is there are not much different. No matter what item you are selling, it all comes down to how you market and promote the item. But this doesn’t mean that you must
search around the Internet posting ads here and there. when selling on eBay, the marketing part is all handled by eBay. You just need set up your auction to list your product and ebay will send targeted buyers to your auction.
Set the lowest selling price for your high price item
To sell your expensive item on ebay, you must first know the lowest price you are willing to accept for your item. You can follow this three simple steps to determine the lowest price of your item:
Once you have determined the lowest price, you can starting setting your reserve price in your auction (On eBay, the reserve price is the lowest price that you are willing to sell for your item). And then set your opening bid price no more than $50 – no matter how high your reserve price is. This is an ebay marketing tactic. It will be difficult to catch the attention of targeted buyers to an auction for an item selling for hundreds or thousands of dollars. But setting your opening bid less than $50 will make getting targeted prospects to view your auction a lot more easier. With the reserve price feature, you don’t have to sell the item to the buyer with the highest bid if the highest bid price hasn't reach your reserve price unless you choose to do so at the close of the auction. This method of price setting resembles marketing tactic applied by offline businesses that are simply designed to ‘get customers in the door.’
Item description and details
The item description for your listing is very important. so you should spend some time to work out a good description. Try to use words that really describe your item well. Provide as many details as possible, including details that prove the authenticity of collectible items. Include pictures of the item as well. Be honest to your potential buyers. If the item has marks or scratches, tell them and make sure that the pictures convey this as well. Provide packing and shipping details. Also let potential buyers know that shipping insurance must be purchased as well in case the item is damaged once it leaves your possession.
Offer an escrow service
The majority of eBay buyers feel more comfortable using an escrow service when purchasing expensive items. so you can offer this as an option in your auction and let your buyers know that they have to pay extra if they want to use the service. This protects both parties from fraud, and it makes many buyers more secure to pay to obtain the item. eBay always struggle to secure the transactions between buyers and sellers, so they have partnered with an escrow service that is commonly used for high price items.

Set the lowest selling price for your high price item
To sell your expensive item on ebay, you must first know the lowest price you are willing to accept for your item. You can follow this three simple steps to determine the lowest price of your item:
- Have your high priced item evaluated to determine what the actual market value is.
- Next, look for similar items from past auctions at eBay to find out how much those items sold for.
- Finally, determine what the value of the item is to you. With this information, you should be able to determine the lowest amount you are willing to sell the item for.
Once you have determined the lowest price, you can starting setting your reserve price in your auction (On eBay, the reserve price is the lowest price that you are willing to sell for your item). And then set your opening bid price no more than $50 – no matter how high your reserve price is. This is an ebay marketing tactic. It will be difficult to catch the attention of targeted buyers to an auction for an item selling for hundreds or thousands of dollars. But setting your opening bid less than $50 will make getting targeted prospects to view your auction a lot more easier. With the reserve price feature, you don’t have to sell the item to the buyer with the highest bid if the highest bid price hasn't reach your reserve price unless you choose to do so at the close of the auction. This method of price setting resembles marketing tactic applied by offline businesses that are simply designed to ‘get customers in the door.’
Item description and details
The item description for your listing is very important. so you should spend some time to work out a good description. Try to use words that really describe your item well. Provide as many details as possible, including details that prove the authenticity of collectible items. Include pictures of the item as well. Be honest to your potential buyers. If the item has marks or scratches, tell them and make sure that the pictures convey this as well. Provide packing and shipping details. Also let potential buyers know that shipping insurance must be purchased as well in case the item is damaged once it leaves your possession.
Offer an escrow service
The majority of eBay buyers feel more comfortable using an escrow service when purchasing expensive items. so you can offer this as an option in your auction and let your buyers know that they have to pay extra if they want to use the service. This protects both parties from fraud, and it makes many buyers more secure to pay to obtain the item. eBay always struggle to secure the transactions between buyers and sellers, so they have partnered with an escrow service that is commonly used for high price items.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Free Resources Helpful for Making Money Online - September 24 2007
Dropship Facts - E-book
Bob Hamilton's e-book 'Dropship Facts' is written to help people to begin their journey to a profitable eBay business using drop ship wholesalers. Bob will share the information you need to know when selling on e-bay using drop shippers as your product source.
Cashflow Marketing Newsletter
Internet marketing is so important to online businesses and e-commerces website. You need to learn different types of online marketing methods and strategies to bring targeted prospect to your e-commerce site to make profit. And Cashflow Marketing newletter is the Internet marketing newsletter you can subscribe free to learn the different types of marketing methods (low cost and no cost methods) to drive targeted prospect to your website.
Bob Hamilton's e-book 'Dropship Facts' is written to help people to begin their journey to a profitable eBay business using drop ship wholesalers. Bob will share the information you need to know when selling on e-bay using drop shippers as your product source.
Cashflow Marketing Newsletter
Internet marketing is so important to online businesses and e-commerces website. You need to learn different types of online marketing methods and strategies to bring targeted prospect to your e-commerce site to make profit. And Cashflow Marketing newletter is the Internet marketing newsletter you can subscribe free to learn the different types of marketing methods (low cost and no cost methods) to drive targeted prospect to your website.
The Importance of Building Credibility Online
The new Internet marketer can spend a lot of time and effort attempting to get an established Internet marketer to joint venture with him and, since he has such a wonderfully unique
product he can’t understand why there isn’t a line forming to get in on his deal. The reason is simple. He hasn’t yet established any credibility for himself.
The lack of credibility is the downfall of so many new Internet marketers because they simply do not understand the importance of doing the ground work necessary to establish their credibility before they attempt to engage the help of more experienced and well established Internet marketers by doing joint ventures with them.
Credibility isn’t just important. it is vital in the world of Internet marketing. The very nature of the Internet precludes blind trust. We can’t see or touch others. We can’t read body language or facial expressions. The only way we have to judge the credibility of others is by what they say about themselves, what others say about them, and how valid and, yes, CREDIBLE the information is that they publish on their websites or post to blogs and forums.
The top Internet marketers (those guys and gals that you want to get to joint venture with you) are extremely busy people. They have not been sitting around anticipating the day that you and your idea would land on their doorstep. They all have starting times and quitting time is when they can’t go one more step or answer one more question until they can grab a few hours of sleep.
That really is the way that the top Internet marketers work...those who do not work like that are not the top Internet marketers. They have a phone stuck to one ear and another call on their speakerphone at all times. Their inboxes are flooded with joint venture offers as the song says... once a day... everyday... all day long.
In order for a new marketer to get the attention of one of these top Internet marketers, they must not only have a great product and a great package of commissions and incentives to offer, they must have some credibility themselves or their offer won’t make it past the first cut.
A new marketer is sometimes inclined to think that because he or she has been blessed with a truck load of charm and the ability to sell iceboxes to Eskimos that they are practically guaranteed success in the world of Internet marketing... .not so... not so at all! Everybody only gets to type words on the World Wide Web. Charm, an engaging smile, a firm handshake, an honest face mean less than nothing in Internet marketing. Those attributes might make you your mama’s little darling and the apple of your daddy’s eye but they aren’t worth squat on the net.
Credibility is all that really matters when you get right down to the nitty-gritty of Internet marketing. Without credibility, the new Internet marketer will quickly turn into the failed Internet marketer.

The lack of credibility is the downfall of so many new Internet marketers because they simply do not understand the importance of doing the ground work necessary to establish their credibility before they attempt to engage the help of more experienced and well established Internet marketers by doing joint ventures with them.
Credibility isn’t just important. it is vital in the world of Internet marketing. The very nature of the Internet precludes blind trust. We can’t see or touch others. We can’t read body language or facial expressions. The only way we have to judge the credibility of others is by what they say about themselves, what others say about them, and how valid and, yes, CREDIBLE the information is that they publish on their websites or post to blogs and forums.
The top Internet marketers (those guys and gals that you want to get to joint venture with you) are extremely busy people. They have not been sitting around anticipating the day that you and your idea would land on their doorstep. They all have starting times and quitting time is when they can’t go one more step or answer one more question until they can grab a few hours of sleep.
That really is the way that the top Internet marketers work...those who do not work like that are not the top Internet marketers. They have a phone stuck to one ear and another call on their speakerphone at all times. Their inboxes are flooded with joint venture offers as the song says... once a day... everyday... all day long.
In order for a new marketer to get the attention of one of these top Internet marketers, they must not only have a great product and a great package of commissions and incentives to offer, they must have some credibility themselves or their offer won’t make it past the first cut.
A new marketer is sometimes inclined to think that because he or she has been blessed with a truck load of charm and the ability to sell iceboxes to Eskimos that they are practically guaranteed success in the world of Internet marketing... .not so... not so at all! Everybody only gets to type words on the World Wide Web. Charm, an engaging smile, a firm handshake, an honest face mean less than nothing in Internet marketing. Those attributes might make you your mama’s little darling and the apple of your daddy’s eye but they aren’t worth squat on the net.
Credibility is all that really matters when you get right down to the nitty-gritty of Internet marketing. Without credibility, the new Internet marketer will quickly turn into the failed Internet marketer.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Earn Money Online by Becoming a Facebook Blogger, one of the fastest growing Facebook blogs which focus on the marketing and business aspects of Facebook is currently in the process of expanding the blog to cover more topic areas like Facebook applications, Facebook development tips, tricks, how-to's, and other general topics. And they are welcoming anyone who has good knowledge in Facebook to become a paid blogger of
If Facebook is your favorite topic. Here's your change to express it out to the public and earn money for the knowledge you give away. To join, You must first send your appliaction to editor(at)facebookobserver dot com.
If Facebook is your favorite topic. Here's your change to express it out to the public and earn money for the knowledge you give away. To join, You must first send your appliaction to editor(at)facebookobserver dot com.
The Beginner Tips for Making Money Online as an Internet Marketer
Where do you start if you want to be an Internet marketer? Tough question, huh? There are lots of ways to begin your way on the bumpy journey. Just make sure you are aware that it will be a bumpy ride.
First things first: do a lot of research. Find out what kind of thing appeals to you most. It could be affiliate programs, Google AdSense or maybe you like the idea of selling other peoples products for a commission etc.
There are a ton of options, and 1000 times more hype. This is why it’s so important to do as much research as you can before starting out. Sure, you can go the long way round, which is how a lot of us start out, but that’s even more of a bumpy ride...hehehe
Ok, so let’s say you’ve decided on where you want to start. You don’t have a product of your own, so you decide to sell other peoples information products, just as an example. Don’t make the mistake that so many people do, by trying to sell something you haven’t personally tested.
Put it this way: Who would YOU prefer to buy from? Someone who knows absolutely nothing about the product they’re selling? Or someone who has had firsthand experience with the product they’re selling? You know it’s person number 2, right?
So test the product first. Learn everything there is to know about it. If people can trust you to give an honest opinion, they’ll be back for more. Great way of getting contacts AND repeat customers.
Never ever use hype when you’re promoting any programs. Believe me, it doesn’t work in reality. People get disappointed if they don’t get what they’ve been promised within the timeframe it’s been promised.
Be honest in your promotional efforts. Tell people what’s worked, and what hasn’t worked for you. If people ask how much you’ve made over how long a period of time, tell them. Let them know that online marketing is NOT the easiest thing on earth.
Let’s face it, if you want to make good money with online marketing, you Have to treat it as a business, not as a hobby, and yes, it does demand a lot of hard work and self-discipline. But taking all these things into consideration, you'll be able to work your butt off and have something to show for it.

First things first: do a lot of research. Find out what kind of thing appeals to you most. It could be affiliate programs, Google AdSense or maybe you like the idea of selling other peoples products for a commission etc.
There are a ton of options, and 1000 times more hype. This is why it’s so important to do as much research as you can before starting out. Sure, you can go the long way round, which is how a lot of us start out, but that’s even more of a bumpy ride...hehehe
Ok, so let’s say you’ve decided on where you want to start. You don’t have a product of your own, so you decide to sell other peoples information products, just as an example. Don’t make the mistake that so many people do, by trying to sell something you haven’t personally tested.
Put it this way: Who would YOU prefer to buy from? Someone who knows absolutely nothing about the product they’re selling? Or someone who has had firsthand experience with the product they’re selling? You know it’s person number 2, right?
So test the product first. Learn everything there is to know about it. If people can trust you to give an honest opinion, they’ll be back for more. Great way of getting contacts AND repeat customers.
Never ever use hype when you’re promoting any programs. Believe me, it doesn’t work in reality. People get disappointed if they don’t get what they’ve been promised within the timeframe it’s been promised.
Be honest in your promotional efforts. Tell people what’s worked, and what hasn’t worked for you. If people ask how much you’ve made over how long a period of time, tell them. Let them know that online marketing is NOT the easiest thing on earth.
Let’s face it, if you want to make good money with online marketing, you Have to treat it as a business, not as a hobby, and yes, it does demand a lot of hard work and self-discipline. But taking all these things into consideration, you'll be able to work your butt off and have something to show for it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Webinar with Joel Comm and Learn How to Use Video to Make Money Online
Would you like to know how video can help generate traffic and revenue (sales revenue, affiliate and AdSense commission) for your website?
Joel Comm is inviting people to meet with a video marketing expert, Michael Koenigs in a webinar. The webinar will be hosted by Joel Comm and held on:
Date: Monday, September 24th, 2007
Time: 5:00 pm PST / 7:00 pm CST / 8:00 pm EST
Duration: 50 Minutes
Via: Phone and Webinar
During this 50-minute webinar, Mike will show you:
Joel Comm is inviting people to meet with a video marketing expert, Michael Koenigs in a webinar. The webinar will be hosted by Joel Comm and held on:
Date: Monday, September 24th, 2007
Time: 5:00 pm PST / 7:00 pm CST / 8:00 pm EST
Duration: 50 Minutes
Via: Phone and Webinar
During this 50-minute webinar, Mike will show you:
- How you can make a video using a phone and photo only.
- The key components every video must have to generate traffic and revenue.
- The top places a video should be placed to generate massive traffic for any web site
- A case study - How a marketer drive massive amount of traffic and earn over $11,400 per month with video marketing.
- And dozens of tips and tools......
Get Paid to Blog about Soccer (Football) Online
Ahmad Bilal is working on a new blogging project and looking for bloggers to participate in the project. He need bloggers to write for his 3 blogs. All blogs are related to soccer. Soccer is a highly popular topic. For soccer fans, this is a great opportunity to write about things they love and make money online.
Details about the blogging opportunities:
Details about the blogging opportunities:
- You must be good in English and have good knowledge about football.
- When you apply, you need to send 2 writing samples and mention the position you're applying for and your motivation to apply for this gig.
- Application must be sent to ahmed(at)
- Some blog marketing skills are required. Training will be provided if you don't know about blog marketing.
- Payment at the end of each month, not 'start of next month'.
Google Gadget Ads - New Type of AdSense Ads for Publishers
Google yesterday introduced gadget ads to AdSense publishers in their AdSense blog. Google said that these gadget ads are designed to be more interactive and engaging to web visitors.
As Google Gadget ads are too new, you will not see them appear in AdSense publishers blogs and websites yet. But you can see how they look like at Google AdSense Blog and Google Gadget Ads Center. Here are an example of Google Gadget ads:

As you can see the above Nissan gadget ad is so different from the traditional online ads that contain only catchy title and description. The gadget ads intends to provide helpful details (traffic details for an area) to the targeted visitors, making the gadget ad useful and attractive to visitors. so the launch of Gadget ads may be able to help AdSense publishers to improve their AdSense performance.
Setting up Google Gadget ads on your blog or website is pretty easy. All you have to do is opt in to image ads, use one of the image ad formats and you are ready to display Gadget ads. However Google can't guarantee that gadget ads will show on your site even though you have opted in to image ads.
As Google Gadget ads are too new, you will not see them appear in AdSense publishers blogs and websites yet. But you can see how they look like at Google AdSense Blog and Google Gadget Ads Center. Here are an example of Google Gadget ads:

As you can see the above Nissan gadget ad is so different from the traditional online ads that contain only catchy title and description. The gadget ads intends to provide helpful details (traffic details for an area) to the targeted visitors, making the gadget ad useful and attractive to visitors. so the launch of Gadget ads may be able to help AdSense publishers to improve their AdSense performance.
Setting up Google Gadget ads on your blog or website is pretty easy. All you have to do is opt in to image ads, use one of the image ad formats and you are ready to display Gadget ads. However Google can't guarantee that gadget ads will show on your site even though you have opted in to image ads.
Google Adsense Policies
Google Adsense is a program that allows businesses to advertise on other websites. They business only pays the host website when a consumer clicks on the link to take them to their website. This is a very effective way of advertising because of the millions of people who access the internet every day. It is also a low cost marketing method that businesses of all sizes can benefit from. Websites are eager to host advertisements for other businesses because it doesn’t cost them anything and they earn money for doing it when consumers choose to follow the link from a particular advertisement.
If you are interested in using Google Adsense to advertise then you need to make sure you are aware of their policies. This will make the process smoother for you and eliminate any misunderstandings down the road. This can be a great money maker or advertising tool, but only when it is used correctly.
There is no long term contract with Google Adsense. You can choose to leave the program at any time. You will need to provide written notice by mail or email to Google. All ads will be removed from your website within ten days. They also have the right to discontinue your business from the program at any time for not following their policies. You do have the right to file an appeal if your account is canceled. This gives you the opportunity to discuss the situation with a Google Adsense representative.
You must be approved by Google Adsense before you are allowed to be a part of the program either as a host site for advertisements or to post your ads. The owner of the website must be at least 18 years of age. The approval process involves an application that you complete with information on your website including keywords. You will have a response to your application within two days. Make sure it is completed entirely or your application will be denied.
All communications must take place with Google. This means if you have concerns or issues about an advertisement your business has on a website or about an ad you are hosting on your website everything goes through Google. The two businesses are not to discuss the issue between each other. Google does not guarantee a set amount of clicks or earnings for a host website. It also doesn’t guarantee any increase in traffic or sales for a business.
Google Adsense has the right to use the name of businesses participating in the program for presentations, marketing, and financial reports. Users of Google Adsense are required to pay for the amount of pay per clicks their ads received as outlined. Adsense accounts are non-transferable under any circumstances. They can’t be resold to another provider. A maximum of three ads per webpage can be displayed. Advertisements can’t be placed on webpages that don’t contain content for your website. A webpage can’t be used for the sole purpose of displaying ads to make money.
Click fraud is not acceptable at all by Google Adsense. It damages the reputation of the program and costs the advertisers a great deal of money. Any website hosting advertisements that is believed to be involved in Click Fraud will be banned from using the program. If you chose to use Google Adsense to advertise your business, protect it from Click fraud by purchasing Click Fraud software.
Google Adsense is a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services on various websites and pay only for the number of consumers who click on the link to go to that businesses website. It is also a great way for a business to make money by hosting advertisements for other businesses. Understanding the policies of Google Adsense will help you determine if the program is right for you. It also helps the program work properly for all those involved in it.
Terry Detty, 42 years old, finds internet marketing his passion. In addition to marketing he enjoys reading, and occasionally gets out for a short walk.
Internet advertising with web directory submissions or web directory advertising services increase web traffic.
If you are interested in using Google Adsense to advertise then you need to make sure you are aware of their policies. This will make the process smoother for you and eliminate any misunderstandings down the road. This can be a great money maker or advertising tool, but only when it is used correctly.
There is no long term contract with Google Adsense. You can choose to leave the program at any time. You will need to provide written notice by mail or email to Google. All ads will be removed from your website within ten days. They also have the right to discontinue your business from the program at any time for not following their policies. You do have the right to file an appeal if your account is canceled. This gives you the opportunity to discuss the situation with a Google Adsense representative.
You must be approved by Google Adsense before you are allowed to be a part of the program either as a host site for advertisements or to post your ads. The owner of the website must be at least 18 years of age. The approval process involves an application that you complete with information on your website including keywords. You will have a response to your application within two days. Make sure it is completed entirely or your application will be denied.
All communications must take place with Google. This means if you have concerns or issues about an advertisement your business has on a website or about an ad you are hosting on your website everything goes through Google. The two businesses are not to discuss the issue between each other. Google does not guarantee a set amount of clicks or earnings for a host website. It also doesn’t guarantee any increase in traffic or sales for a business.
Google Adsense has the right to use the name of businesses participating in the program for presentations, marketing, and financial reports. Users of Google Adsense are required to pay for the amount of pay per clicks their ads received as outlined. Adsense accounts are non-transferable under any circumstances. They can’t be resold to another provider. A maximum of three ads per webpage can be displayed. Advertisements can’t be placed on webpages that don’t contain content for your website. A webpage can’t be used for the sole purpose of displaying ads to make money.
Click fraud is not acceptable at all by Google Adsense. It damages the reputation of the program and costs the advertisers a great deal of money. Any website hosting advertisements that is believed to be involved in Click Fraud will be banned from using the program. If you chose to use Google Adsense to advertise your business, protect it from Click fraud by purchasing Click Fraud software.
Google Adsense is a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their products and services on various websites and pay only for the number of consumers who click on the link to go to that businesses website. It is also a great way for a business to make money by hosting advertisements for other businesses. Understanding the policies of Google Adsense will help you determine if the program is right for you. It also helps the program work properly for all those involved in it.
Terry Detty, 42 years old, finds internet marketing his passion. In addition to marketing he enjoys reading, and occasionally gets out for a short walk.
Internet advertising with web directory submissions or web directory advertising services increase web traffic.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need to Survive
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.
What are these three tactics?
1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.
Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.
You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.
2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inbox at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.
Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.
3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.
Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.
The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.
Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.
What are these three tactics?
1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.
Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.
You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.
2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inbox at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.
Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.
3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.
Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.
The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.
Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Increase Your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Profit with NitroPPC
Are you relying on PPC advertising programs (Google AdWords and etc) to get web traffic and generate website revenue? I just came across a new tool called NitroPPC that can help you manage and set up your PPC advertising campaigns easier and faster; and possibly produce greater return on investment (ROI). If your main web traffic source is from PPC advertisng, I think you would want to test drive this new tool.
NitroPPC is free to sign up and try.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 will Help You Make Money Online in 2 Ways
DealDotCom has officially lauched today. It is a place for people to find Internet marketing
products at low prices. And unlike other Internet marketing products malls which display and sell a wide vareity of products, DealDotcom only offers one product per day and the product of the day will be featured at the top of the home page until the next product takes over the place. This is a creative idea of the owners to make their site fun and mistery.
So How to Make Money in DealDotCom?
There are two ways to make money with DealDotCom:
1) Become affiliate of DealDotCom
Their affiliate program works just like other affiliate programs. First you join DealDotCom and they will give you a special affiliate link. You will be using the affiliate link promoting DealDotcom online. If someone clicks you affiliate link to join DealDotcom and later the person purchases an item in DealDotComm, you'll earn a portion of the sales price.
2) Market your products or services through DealDotCom
Do you have a quality product or services related to Internet marketing/online business? If you have one, you can submit it to DealDotCom for review and possible inclusion on DealDotCom. When your product is accepted, DealDotComm will sell your product for you by featuring it on their home page.
Although DealdotCom has just opened it door but the site has successful gained certain level of exposure thanks to a number of Internet marketers and bloggers spreading the word during the pre-launch stage of DealDotCom. so if you can get your product features at the home page now, most probably you'll experience a boost on your sales.

So How to Make Money in DealDotCom?
There are two ways to make money with DealDotCom:
1) Become affiliate of DealDotCom
Their affiliate program works just like other affiliate programs. First you join DealDotCom and they will give you a special affiliate link. You will be using the affiliate link promoting DealDotcom online. If someone clicks you affiliate link to join DealDotcom and later the person purchases an item in DealDotComm, you'll earn a portion of the sales price.
2) Market your products or services through DealDotCom
Do you have a quality product or services related to Internet marketing/online business? If you have one, you can submit it to DealDotCom for review and possible inclusion on DealDotCom. When your product is accepted, DealDotComm will sell your product for you by featuring it on their home page.
Although DealdotCom has just opened it door but the site has successful gained certain level of exposure thanks to a number of Internet marketers and bloggers spreading the word during the pre-launch stage of DealDotCom. so if you can get your product features at the home page now, most probably you'll experience a boost on your sales.
How to Market Low Ticket Products Effectively and Make More Profit Online - Part 1
When you think in terms of low ticket products or services, you are talking about items that usually carry no more than a $27.00 price tag. The most common average range for a low ticket item would be in the $5.00 to $9.95 range.
There are many of online and brick and mortar businesses that consider low ticket items to be the bread and butter of the business, the way that you keep the lights on every month.
Of course, in order for those low ticket items to keep a steady flow of basic revenue, there is the need to promote your offerings and entice new clients to give them a try. Here are a few ideas that may help you promote your low ticket offerings to fresh faces.
Special Reports
Special reports are relatively easy to produce and extremely cost effective to have available. The content can be used in a direct mail piece that can be reproduced cheaply.
The special report can be posted online, with a unique URL that can then be distributed far and wide by both manual and electronic means. The result is an effective promotional tool that has a very lost cost to create and has the potential to yield big returns in a very short time.
A special report is going to essentially focus on two things: first, this is a product or service that has is being successfully used by hundreds of thousands of people right this very minute.
Second, this product or service can make a big impact in the quality of your life and work. Once you have it, you will not understand how you ever got along without it.
These types of special report promotions are meant to spotlight all the positive attributes of your offering. You want to talk about the great performance, the low maintenance, and of course the low price.
One thing that can help dress up a special report is charts and relevant graphics. Most people are visual in the way they relate to the world, so using a simple chart to illustrate a point, or inserting some other type of visual that is related to the subject matter will help to enhance and hold the attention of the reader.
Testimonials from current clients also are a big part of a successful special report. If at all possible, vary the industry types that are represented in your testimonials.
There are many of online and brick and mortar businesses that consider low ticket items to be the bread and butter of the business, the way that you keep the lights on every month.
Of course, in order for those low ticket items to keep a steady flow of basic revenue, there is the need to promote your offerings and entice new clients to give them a try. Here are a few ideas that may help you promote your low ticket offerings to fresh faces.
Special Reports
Special reports are relatively easy to produce and extremely cost effective to have available. The content can be used in a direct mail piece that can be reproduced cheaply.
The special report can be posted online, with a unique URL that can then be distributed far and wide by both manual and electronic means. The result is an effective promotional tool that has a very lost cost to create and has the potential to yield big returns in a very short time.
A special report is going to essentially focus on two things: first, this is a product or service that has is being successfully used by hundreds of thousands of people right this very minute.
Second, this product or service can make a big impact in the quality of your life and work. Once you have it, you will not understand how you ever got along without it.
These types of special report promotions are meant to spotlight all the positive attributes of your offering. You want to talk about the great performance, the low maintenance, and of course the low price.
One thing that can help dress up a special report is charts and relevant graphics. Most people are visual in the way they relate to the world, so using a simple chart to illustrate a point, or inserting some other type of visual that is related to the subject matter will help to enhance and hold the attention of the reader.
Testimonials from current clients also are a big part of a successful special report. If at all possible, vary the industry types that are represented in your testimonials.
How to Market Low Ticket Products Effectively and Make More Profit Online - Part 2
Short Audio Sessions
Have you ever listened to those short audio clips that are on many web sites? They often are informative and can spur people to look more closely at a product or service.
Short audio sessions are not anything new. For decades, businesses have employed fifteen-second audio sessions to promote their products while callers were on hold, waiting to speak with a customer service rep.
To a degree, a short audio session makes the sales process via the Internet a little more personal, as the prospect hears a human voice. That alone makes the session an appealing way to reach a certain part of the populace.
Of course, a successful short audio session is going to be to the point and informative. It will give the prospect enough to ensure he or she will progress to the next level and seriously consider the offering, rather than simply scanning some text and moving on to another web site.
Settle on the subject for the session, make is crisp, clear, and easy to understand. Then shut up before you get too wordy.
Trial Membership Offers
Everybody wants to get a bargain, but there are those that will sit on the fence forever before making a decision. A trial membership offer can be just what you need to get them to commit.
There are several things that are very attractive to a prospect. Among them are:
There is no long-term commitment. If I don’t like what I see during the trial period, I simply move on.
I don’t have to pay full price. Most trial offers will be at a discount, so very little revenue is invested.
The trial offer gives me the chance to test drive and show the offering to other people who would be using it. I can find out up front if they see any advantages to using this new offering
This gives me the chance to think of questions that should be answered before a commitment is made. I may think of something while in the trial period that I would not think of during a simple demonstration.
If you offer a trial membership, make sure you provided specific terms, as well as a way for the prospect to convert the trial membership into a full membership at any time during the trial.
Trial Software Offers
If software is involved in your product or service offering, you may also want to provide a demonstration version of the software that is good for a limited amount of time. Think in terms of some of the free electronic trail games you can download.
Many of them will allow the player to access and start a new game session for a specific number of times before the software becomes inoperative and they player will have to purchase the full version in order to continue.
Trial software should be representative of what the full version does, but you want to make sure that the software cannot be reconfigured to get around the limited time usage.
This is not a difficult task for anyone who develops software; all you will need to do is provide the perimeters of the trial time and you are all set.
As with the trial membership offers, you want your prospect to be able to upgrade from trial to permanent software at any point during the trial time, so make sure you include that in your package as well.
By utilizing these and similar ideas, you can effectively increase your client base without investing a huge chunk of your profits into public relations endeavors.
Have you ever listened to those short audio clips that are on many web sites? They often are informative and can spur people to look more closely at a product or service.
Short audio sessions are not anything new. For decades, businesses have employed fifteen-second audio sessions to promote their products while callers were on hold, waiting to speak with a customer service rep.
To a degree, a short audio session makes the sales process via the Internet a little more personal, as the prospect hears a human voice. That alone makes the session an appealing way to reach a certain part of the populace.
Of course, a successful short audio session is going to be to the point and informative. It will give the prospect enough to ensure he or she will progress to the next level and seriously consider the offering, rather than simply scanning some text and moving on to another web site.
Settle on the subject for the session, make is crisp, clear, and easy to understand. Then shut up before you get too wordy.
Trial Membership Offers
Everybody wants to get a bargain, but there are those that will sit on the fence forever before making a decision. A trial membership offer can be just what you need to get them to commit.
There are several things that are very attractive to a prospect. Among them are:
There is no long-term commitment. If I don’t like what I see during the trial period, I simply move on.
I don’t have to pay full price. Most trial offers will be at a discount, so very little revenue is invested.
The trial offer gives me the chance to test drive and show the offering to other people who would be using it. I can find out up front if they see any advantages to using this new offering
This gives me the chance to think of questions that should be answered before a commitment is made. I may think of something while in the trial period that I would not think of during a simple demonstration.
If you offer a trial membership, make sure you provided specific terms, as well as a way for the prospect to convert the trial membership into a full membership at any time during the trial.
Trial Software Offers
If software is involved in your product or service offering, you may also want to provide a demonstration version of the software that is good for a limited amount of time. Think in terms of some of the free electronic trail games you can download.
Many of them will allow the player to access and start a new game session for a specific number of times before the software becomes inoperative and they player will have to purchase the full version in order to continue.
Trial software should be representative of what the full version does, but you want to make sure that the software cannot be reconfigured to get around the limited time usage.
This is not a difficult task for anyone who develops software; all you will need to do is provide the perimeters of the trial time and you are all set.
As with the trial membership offers, you want your prospect to be able to upgrade from trial to permanent software at any point during the trial time, so make sure you include that in your package as well.
By utilizing these and similar ideas, you can effectively increase your client base without investing a huge chunk of your profits into public relations endeavors.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Its Easy To Earn Money On The Internet
You must have heard about how great the Internet is for making money. However do you know that Internet money making opportunities are easy to come by? Here we show you some useful tips to earn money on the Internet.
Start writing!
If you have always loved writing as a hobby, you can now make it an Internet money making opportunity for yourself. Sitting at home you can start blogging or writing articles to directories. You earn money on the Internet for every article you write and the pay is generally very good. By using keywords in your articles you can make them search engine friendly as well. There are numerous opportunities for writers right from writing e-books, to SEO based articles, to blogging, to writing website content to even product reviews. The scope is unlimited. So its time you started exploring this Internet money making opportunity.
Become an affiliate marketer
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money on the Internet. There are scores of companies who are eager to promote their products and services. You can start advertising their products and services on your own website. For every sale that gets made on your referral you earn a good commission. Like that you can be affiliated to several companies thus increasing your chances at Internet money making opportunities. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll start earning online.
If you have an existing website of your own, you can have several Pay Per Click campaigns on other search engines. PPC campaigns work on the principle of attracting customers to your site through clicks on ads placed in search engines. Especially if your ad is interesting and the search engine is popular, you stand more chances to earn money on the Internet. For every click by a customer you earn a certain percentage. Thus imagine the amount you could earn every month!
Franchising is another great way to maximize your Internet money making potential. The way it works is that you promote another brands products or services. You could set up your own online store to upload information on the brands products. The reason it is risk-free compared to other businesses is that you hardly need much investment, you have complete access to an established network of suppliers and best of all are associated with an already popular brand which means you don't need to run around spending on advertising campaigns. The brand does it all for you. This is a great way to earn money on the Internet.
Online store
There is another Internet money making opportunity which is perfectly legitimate. All you need to do is set up your own online store. You can then rent out this store to anyone who wishes to sell their products. It works pretty much like any of the online shopping sites that are free for all. Every time any one listed on your store makes a sale, you get a commission. This way you're not only earning commissions from hundreds of sellers on your site, you get to earn money on the Internet without having any product of your own!
Your options to earn money on the Internet are limitless. Whether its writing, franchising or just being an affiliate marketer- you can still earn money the easy way. Check out today and get ready for success!
Start writing!
If you have always loved writing as a hobby, you can now make it an Internet money making opportunity for yourself. Sitting at home you can start blogging or writing articles to directories. You earn money on the Internet for every article you write and the pay is generally very good. By using keywords in your articles you can make them search engine friendly as well. There are numerous opportunities for writers right from writing e-books, to SEO based articles, to blogging, to writing website content to even product reviews. The scope is unlimited. So its time you started exploring this Internet money making opportunity.
Become an affiliate marketer
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money on the Internet. There are scores of companies who are eager to promote their products and services. You can start advertising their products and services on your own website. For every sale that gets made on your referral you earn a good commission. Like that you can be affiliated to several companies thus increasing your chances at Internet money making opportunities. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll start earning online.
If you have an existing website of your own, you can have several Pay Per Click campaigns on other search engines. PPC campaigns work on the principle of attracting customers to your site through clicks on ads placed in search engines. Especially if your ad is interesting and the search engine is popular, you stand more chances to earn money on the Internet. For every click by a customer you earn a certain percentage. Thus imagine the amount you could earn every month!
Franchising is another great way to maximize your Internet money making potential. The way it works is that you promote another brands products or services. You could set up your own online store to upload information on the brands products. The reason it is risk-free compared to other businesses is that you hardly need much investment, you have complete access to an established network of suppliers and best of all are associated with an already popular brand which means you don't need to run around spending on advertising campaigns. The brand does it all for you. This is a great way to earn money on the Internet.
Online store
There is another Internet money making opportunity which is perfectly legitimate. All you need to do is set up your own online store. You can then rent out this store to anyone who wishes to sell their products. It works pretty much like any of the online shopping sites that are free for all. Every time any one listed on your store makes a sale, you get a commission. This way you're not only earning commissions from hundreds of sellers on your site, you get to earn money on the Internet without having any product of your own!
Your options to earn money on the Internet are limitless. Whether its writing, franchising or just being an affiliate marketer- you can still earn money the easy way. Check out today and get ready for success!
5 Reasons Adsense Doesn’t Work Any More
In this article I will define “5 Reasons Adsense Doesn't Work Any More“ for Adsense Publishers success it is also for new Adsense Publisher and also for advanced publishers.
With the huge success Google’s Adsense has been reaping, there are now only a handful of sites you'll see that doesn't feature Adsense on their sites. Everyone is hoping that they could make huge earnings from this pay-per-click affiliate program scheme Google has launched.
While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites that have generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sites that couldn't grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.
This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factors to create a successful site that compliments the features Adsense provides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites and place Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cash to roll in.
If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn from Adsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.
To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a site that has the factors and characteristics needed to generate the traffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things a webmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions of sites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more things a site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsense friendly.
Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don't make money.
1) There are no good keywords on the site.
Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engine optimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competing for the attention of the “netizens” and many sites contain the same or almost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google is searching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you a good lead above all the other sites.
It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywords your site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking on the search engines results. If many internet users are directed to your site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. With traffic comes the profit.
In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program that searches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords that people are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher is an investment that just keeps on giving.
2) The site doesn't provide a good niche.
To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that can perk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintain a good number of traffic, you have to keep the people’s interest on your site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your site and have them recommend it.
You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people are interested in. Find the right niche and you’ll find the right group of people that are willing to spend some money.
3) The site owner doesn't maintain or update their site.
You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period of time. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generate for their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in your niche and try to find out what’s new and what's hot.
You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keep abreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get new traffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.
4) Some website owners don't provide the full attention to their Adsense sites.
Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money. You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make it big. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster should treat their site as if it is their main source of income but still maintain a good schedule of their time.
5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to their Adsense site.
Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Good keywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takes time and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of time in looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.
The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. A little time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference between a successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.
The best videos guide plus all the secrets from world marketers for new and advanced Adsense Publishers. All Secrets Revealed.
Find articles about Adsense
Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)
With the huge success Google’s Adsense has been reaping, there are now only a handful of sites you'll see that doesn't feature Adsense on their sites. Everyone is hoping that they could make huge earnings from this pay-per-click affiliate program scheme Google has launched.
While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites that have generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sites that couldn't grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.
This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factors to create a successful site that compliments the features Adsense provides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites and place Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cash to roll in.
If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn from Adsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.
To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a site that has the factors and characteristics needed to generate the traffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things a webmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions of sites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more things a site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsense friendly.
Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don't make money.
1) There are no good keywords on the site.
Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engine optimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competing for the attention of the “netizens” and many sites contain the same or almost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google is searching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you a good lead above all the other sites.
It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywords your site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking on the search engines results. If many internet users are directed to your site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. With traffic comes the profit.
In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program that searches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords that people are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher is an investment that just keeps on giving.
2) The site doesn't provide a good niche.
To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that can perk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintain a good number of traffic, you have to keep the people’s interest on your site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your site and have them recommend it.
You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people are interested in. Find the right niche and you’ll find the right group of people that are willing to spend some money.
3) The site owner doesn't maintain or update their site.
You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period of time. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generate for their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in your niche and try to find out what’s new and what's hot.
You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keep abreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get new traffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.
4) Some website owners don't provide the full attention to their Adsense sites.
Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money. You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make it big. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster should treat their site as if it is their main source of income but still maintain a good schedule of their time.
5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to their Adsense site.
Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Good keywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takes time and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of time in looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.
The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. A little time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference between a successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.
The best videos guide plus all the secrets from world marketers for new and advanced Adsense Publishers. All Secrets Revealed.
Find articles about Adsense
Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)
Top Rated Online Business Opportunity
This top rated online business opportunity will have you earning $7K-40K/month.
Now many people would accuse me for making such a bold statement, but let me tell you this is very possible and it's a living reality. It's true that many online business opportunities are scams but anyone with logical knowledge can easily spot a scam when they rate it according to certain criteria. Just one very important point before we take a look at the criteria. Lets say you don't have any computer skills, would you rather try to learn all the phases on how to create your own online business or would you join an existing online business opportunity that's already proven to work?
Now lets take a look at 5 strict criteria that any top rated online business opportunity should meet:
1.Every effort you do should give the maximum results it possibly
can, This way you'll get better results for what you're doing.
Here is an example:
One of the main things that you have to consider when joining any
online business opportunity is the amount of money you earn per
sale. I mean would you rather make 4 sales in a week for $200 or
$1000 each? I hope that answer is quite obvious to you.
2.How well does the online business opportunity your driving traffic
to convert? The online business opportunity should have a great
video presentation. Do you think text, no matter how good will
ever have a chance to convert better than a good video presentation?
3.The online business opportunity should leverage your efforts.
4.The online business opportunity should also build your list With a
Variety of proven capture pages to choose from and have a build in
autoresponder that will follow up on your prospects automatically
and give you the ability to email the list it builds you.
5.Before you join you should be able to contact a real person that
has the ability to answer any questions that you may have regarding
the online business opportunity.
Now if you look at these five topics any online business opportunity that meets them should do pretty well if you can just drive a good amount of traffic to your capture page right? Yes, because if you don't have any way your customers can reach you via phone your going to lose a lot of money! That's literately like throwing $100 bills out the window every minute while your driving.
Now you may think yeah ok, this online business sounds pretty good but I'm not really a sells person and I don't know how&where to advertise, or you might say that you hate selling! No worries, this online business opportunity gives you your own personal sales assistant that will answer all of your prospects questions&closes all your sales for you, thats it! The hardest part is done for you, the selling!
This online business opportunity also meets all the above criteria! Now hang on just a sec, read that again carefully! Now if that's not enough this online business opportunity can also do your advertising for you, but the advertising is unlike the normal rotators that they usually promise you, this online business opportunity will give your capture page to a 5 year experienced marketing veteran that will advertise your website in a dozen of proven ways as if it's his very own!
I Hope you really read all this carefully and realized that the main way to make money online with an online business opportunity is how well it converts and how much money you get for each sale. I promise you this online business opportunity has a video presentation like no other, it converts like nothing I have ever seen... just come and see for yourself.
Now you know how to spot a top rated online business opportunity... and that you've found a top rated online business opportunity that can easily earn you $7,000 - $40,000 per month! Visit my site right now...
Now many people would accuse me for making such a bold statement, but let me tell you this is very possible and it's a living reality. It's true that many online business opportunities are scams but anyone with logical knowledge can easily spot a scam when they rate it according to certain criteria. Just one very important point before we take a look at the criteria. Lets say you don't have any computer skills, would you rather try to learn all the phases on how to create your own online business or would you join an existing online business opportunity that's already proven to work?
Now lets take a look at 5 strict criteria that any top rated online business opportunity should meet:
1.Every effort you do should give the maximum results it possibly
can, This way you'll get better results for what you're doing.
Here is an example:
One of the main things that you have to consider when joining any
online business opportunity is the amount of money you earn per
sale. I mean would you rather make 4 sales in a week for $200 or
$1000 each? I hope that answer is quite obvious to you.
2.How well does the online business opportunity your driving traffic
to convert? The online business opportunity should have a great
video presentation. Do you think text, no matter how good will
ever have a chance to convert better than a good video presentation?
3.The online business opportunity should leverage your efforts.
4.The online business opportunity should also build your list With a
Variety of proven capture pages to choose from and have a build in
autoresponder that will follow up on your prospects automatically
and give you the ability to email the list it builds you.
5.Before you join you should be able to contact a real person that
has the ability to answer any questions that you may have regarding
the online business opportunity.
Now if you look at these five topics any online business opportunity that meets them should do pretty well if you can just drive a good amount of traffic to your capture page right? Yes, because if you don't have any way your customers can reach you via phone your going to lose a lot of money! That's literately like throwing $100 bills out the window every minute while your driving.
Now you may think yeah ok, this online business sounds pretty good but I'm not really a sells person and I don't know how&where to advertise, or you might say that you hate selling! No worries, this online business opportunity gives you your own personal sales assistant that will answer all of your prospects questions&closes all your sales for you, thats it! The hardest part is done for you, the selling!
This online business opportunity also meets all the above criteria! Now hang on just a sec, read that again carefully! Now if that's not enough this online business opportunity can also do your advertising for you, but the advertising is unlike the normal rotators that they usually promise you, this online business opportunity will give your capture page to a 5 year experienced marketing veteran that will advertise your website in a dozen of proven ways as if it's his very own!
I Hope you really read all this carefully and realized that the main way to make money online with an online business opportunity is how well it converts and how much money you get for each sale. I promise you this online business opportunity has a video presentation like no other, it converts like nothing I have ever seen... just come and see for yourself.
Now you know how to spot a top rated online business opportunity... and that you've found a top rated online business opportunity that can easily earn you $7,000 - $40,000 per month! Visit my site right now...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What is an Affiliate
Been an affiliate is about making money selling other people’s services or products using online advertising. Affiliate programs are a good way to make money with your site, the programs are normally free to join and there are thousands of products and services for you to select from. As an affiliate you promote the merchant’s products or services on your web site and earn some money each time somebody clicks on the affiliate link, visits the merchant’s site and proceeds to make a purchase.
One of the best things with affiliate programs is that there is absolutely no sales background required. In addition the merchant normally supplies you with the marketing material needed for the product such as a selection of image banners, text links and that all important product information. Another benefit is the minimal risk involved, if the product you are advertising is not working well for you then you can simply drop it and choose another, there are no long-term commitments binding you to an individual merchant.
When you select an affiliate program to join you are normally required to fill out a brief form detailing some information about yourself and your site. This will allow the retailer to establish that your site is appropriate to the products.
However promoting affiliate programs isn’t always as easy as it sounds, to be a successful affiliate you might need to sign-up with a lot of affiliate programs just so you can find out which merchants perform the best for your site. Success in affiliate marketing can take some time and hard work, but it’s once you have figured it out its well worth it. Your main responsibility as an affiliate is to advertise and create new sales for the merchant. You do not have to worry about the order processing and delivering the product to the customer, these are the duties of the merchant along with customer service support.
One thing you need to remember is that marketing affiliate programs is that its all about advertising the products, this means getting traffic to your site. If you don’t get any traffic coming to your site you probably won’t achieve any sales.
Author of this article is Andy Fullard.
If you like poker then consider becoming a poker affiliate or if you are from Europe check out these a UK affiliate programs
One of the best things with affiliate programs is that there is absolutely no sales background required. In addition the merchant normally supplies you with the marketing material needed for the product such as a selection of image banners, text links and that all important product information. Another benefit is the minimal risk involved, if the product you are advertising is not working well for you then you can simply drop it and choose another, there are no long-term commitments binding you to an individual merchant.
When you select an affiliate program to join you are normally required to fill out a brief form detailing some information about yourself and your site. This will allow the retailer to establish that your site is appropriate to the products.
However promoting affiliate programs isn’t always as easy as it sounds, to be a successful affiliate you might need to sign-up with a lot of affiliate programs just so you can find out which merchants perform the best for your site. Success in affiliate marketing can take some time and hard work, but it’s once you have figured it out its well worth it. Your main responsibility as an affiliate is to advertise and create new sales for the merchant. You do not have to worry about the order processing and delivering the product to the customer, these are the duties of the merchant along with customer service support.
One thing you need to remember is that marketing affiliate programs is that its all about advertising the products, this means getting traffic to your site. If you don’t get any traffic coming to your site you probably won’t achieve any sales.
Author of this article is Andy Fullard.
If you like poker then consider becoming a poker affiliate or if you are from Europe check out these a UK affiliate programs
Money Making Opportunities (16th Update)
Have you heard about a site called that allows people to earn money by writing a review on a product and publishing on the site? is another products review site offering the same opportunity except instead of writing the review, you talk about the product in a short video and upload your video opinion to for cash.
If you have good knowledge or experience in certain fields, you may become an expert of to provide advice to the huge customer base of Justanswer (3 million customer at the moment). You will earn money for all of your accepted answers to the questions asked by the customers. More details about Justanswer's expert can be found in
Have you heard about a site called that allows people to earn money by writing a review on a product and publishing on the site? is another products review site offering the same opportunity except instead of writing the review, you talk about the product in a short video and upload your video opinion to for cash.

Tips for Profiting Online with Info Products
There are a number of methods you can follow when searching information products to sell and profit online:
1. You come out with a product idea and turn your idea into the info products to sell (you can either create the info product yourself or hire a professional to do the job); or
2. You buy private label rights products created by others that allow you to change and edit the products to sell as your own; or
3. You can locate info products in the public domain and package them for resale; or
4. You can purchase resale or master resale rights of the info products that permit you resell the products online instantly.
5. Information sellers like to recruit affiliates to help them market their info products. You can join their affiliate programs and start promoting and selling their products.
When you just begin, one of your biggest obstacles will be to stay focused. For this reason, you will want to choose only one model and stick with it as closely as possible, at least in the beginning. Later on, you can try to combine different methods to increase your profit level.
As mention above, developing and publishing your own info products is one of the ways to make money on the net. And you can achieve this through items 1, 2 or 3 above. But, you may be able to make more money from your own info product by adding in components from item 4 or 5 above.
The foundations of creating an info product are figuring out a topic, research the topic to find out the demand level and then come out a product idea from the topic. How do you choose a topic? It is not difficult. First identify a hungry group of buyers and then find a topic that either solves a problem they have or benefits them in some ways.
Until you are certain that you have a HUNGRY group of buyers who have money and are interested in either solving a problem or who see a benefit in your product, don’t even consider moving forward with your info product.
1. You come out with a product idea and turn your idea into the info products to sell (you can either create the info product yourself or hire a professional to do the job); or
2. You buy private label rights products created by others that allow you to change and edit the products to sell as your own; or
3. You can locate info products in the public domain and package them for resale; or
4. You can purchase resale or master resale rights of the info products that permit you resell the products online instantly.
5. Information sellers like to recruit affiliates to help them market their info products. You can join their affiliate programs and start promoting and selling their products.
When you just begin, one of your biggest obstacles will be to stay focused. For this reason, you will want to choose only one model and stick with it as closely as possible, at least in the beginning. Later on, you can try to combine different methods to increase your profit level.
As mention above, developing and publishing your own info products is one of the ways to make money on the net. And you can achieve this through items 1, 2 or 3 above. But, you may be able to make more money from your own info product by adding in components from item 4 or 5 above.
The foundations of creating an info product are figuring out a topic, research the topic to find out the demand level and then come out a product idea from the topic. How do you choose a topic? It is not difficult. First identify a hungry group of buyers and then find a topic that either solves a problem they have or benefits them in some ways.
Until you are certain that you have a HUNGRY group of buyers who have money and are interested in either solving a problem or who see a benefit in your product, don’t even consider moving forward with your info product.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Adsense Tips - Basic Idea To Increase Adsense Profits
Before you start making money from Adsense, there are a few basics idea that you need to know and apply them so that your Adsense CTR will increase (if you're new in Adsense, then you might read about Adsense Terminology here). These are no big secrets, they are just some free tips that you will need in order to boost your Adsense revenue. So don't get fooled and pay for these tips here.
1. Use large rectangle block for your Adsense ads in your website or blog. This large rectangle block ads has been proven to be the most effective type of ads and generate the most CTR. Therefore if you're not using this then you're not maximizing your Adsense profits.
2. Blend your Adsense ads layout and colour to match with your website or blogs background colour. Use the same colour for both your website template and ads. This is to avoid your ads for being too attractive in your site, so that 'ads blind' visitors may click on them.
3. As for your Adsense ads link title, you can change the colour to be the same with your post title. Make it looks like it is one of your posts. You can use blue colour for your ads link title too, this is because blue colour indicates link in most websites.
4. Don't put all of your eggs in a single basket. This also means that the more websites or blogs you have, the better. If you want to concentrate just in a single website or blog, it will be fine, but you will need huge amount of traffic to generate big money for Adsense. For example, you can have a site that generate $25, or do you want to have 10 sites that generate $5 each site. Sometimes quantity does plays an important role.
5. There is no need for you to write your own original content, you can use other people's content which are ranked high in search engines. However, you must do this correctly or else you'll get banned by search engines.
These are just a few basic tips that you need to know. These basic ideas definitely will help your increase your Adsense profit, but they will not separate you from others, they will only help you start you to get started. These are no secrets, so spend on the information that everyone had known.
1. Use large rectangle block for your Adsense ads in your website or blog. This large rectangle block ads has been proven to be the most effective type of ads and generate the most CTR. Therefore if you're not using this then you're not maximizing your Adsense profits.
2. Blend your Adsense ads layout and colour to match with your website or blogs background colour. Use the same colour for both your website template and ads. This is to avoid your ads for being too attractive in your site, so that 'ads blind' visitors may click on them.
3. As for your Adsense ads link title, you can change the colour to be the same with your post title. Make it looks like it is one of your posts. You can use blue colour for your ads link title too, this is because blue colour indicates link in most websites.
4. Don't put all of your eggs in a single basket. This also means that the more websites or blogs you have, the better. If you want to concentrate just in a single website or blog, it will be fine, but you will need huge amount of traffic to generate big money for Adsense. For example, you can have a site that generate $25, or do you want to have 10 sites that generate $5 each site. Sometimes quantity does plays an important role.
5. There is no need for you to write your own original content, you can use other people's content which are ranked high in search engines. However, you must do this correctly or else you'll get banned by search engines.
These are just a few basic tips that you need to know. These basic ideas definitely will help your increase your Adsense profit, but they will not separate you from others, they will only help you start you to get started. These are no secrets, so spend on the information that everyone had known.
The Benefits & Drawbacks of Making Money at Home as a Freelancer - Part 1
Freelancing opportunities are everywhere, but before you get into freelancing industry, you need to know the benefits and the drawbacks of working for yourself on a per client basis.
A lot of people will tell you that setting foot outside of the office was the best thing they ever could have done while others will tell you that they could not wait for each of their freelance projects to be over because they simply could not stand the stress of their assignments.
In order to be a successful freelancer you really need to weigh all of the pros and cons and be absolutely sure that freelance career is suitable for you.
So, without further ado, here are some of the most common benefits and drawbacks you will face as a freelancer.
A lot of people will tell you that setting foot outside of the office was the best thing they ever could have done while others will tell you that they could not wait for each of their freelance projects to be over because they simply could not stand the stress of their assignments.
In order to be a successful freelancer you really need to weigh all of the pros and cons and be absolutely sure that freelance career is suitable for you.
So, without further ado, here are some of the most common benefits and drawbacks you will face as a freelancer.
- The moment you decide to become a freelancer, everyone you talk to will probably tell you how cool it is to be your own boss.
- You are in control of your work and nobody else (except for your clients) can tell you what to do. If you don’t want to work on Fridays – you don’t have to.
- Take any days off that you want, but make sure that you finish your projects by the deadline. By being your own boss, you really have the freedom to steer your life where you want it to go.
- You get to plan your own schedules, choose the projects that you find enjoyable, charge any rate you please, and be almost totally self sufficient – a major bonus of being a freelancer for many people looking to escape the daily grind.
- Another of the big benefits you will always hear people talking about when it comes to freelancing is that you can set your own dress code. If you find all of your freelance work online, who is to say that you don’t have to just hang around in your pajamas or underwear all day long?
- No sense in getting all dressed up when you can just get out of bed, enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee, watch the news for a few minutes and then plop yourself down at your computer to start your workday.
- Freelancing gives you the ability to work in your own style and in total comfort no matter who or what you are doing work for.
- By working freelance you can also spend a lot more time with your family and friends.
- Because you do not have to go to work on a strict schedule, you can spend time with your children when they get home from school and with your friends and your spouse whenever they have off work.
Google Wants to Tell You More about the Latest Features in AdSense Program
If you have been making money with AdSense but still don't know much about the latest features of Google AdSense program like Referrals 2.0, Allowed Sites and Blogger in-line ads; and how these latest features can improve your AdSense performance. I suggest you sign up with Google to attend their upcoming webinar "What's New with AdSense" to be held on September 19th from 11:00-12:00pm PDT.
What's New with AdSense
You'll be listening to AdSense Support specialists explaining the new features of AdSense in the webinar. They will also provide a refresher on the top support issues every publisher should know.
What's New with AdSense
You'll be listening to AdSense Support specialists explaining the new features of AdSense in the webinar. They will also provide a refresher on the top support issues every publisher should know.
The Benefits & Drawbacks of Making Money at Home as a Freelancer - Part 2
If you have not yet read part 1 of this article, please click here.
As with anything in the world, there are drawbacks to becoming a freelancer in any field you choose. The predominant drawback is that you are not as financially stable as you are when you are working for someone else.
- The flexibility of having a freelance career is second to none and there is practically no other job in the world that gives you both the spare time and the financial freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it.
- Finally, with freelancing you have a near limitless income potential. Because you work for yourself, you get to keep all of what you earn. Not a penny goes to anyone else (aside from the government in the form of taxes).
- All of the profits belong to you so you get to spend it how you please. Furthermore, because you work on a per project basis, you can accept as many projects as you want to earn as much money as you see fit.
- You are not salaried, so the more work you do, the more you get paid.
As with anything in the world, there are drawbacks to becoming a freelancer in any field you choose. The predominant drawback is that you are not as financially stable as you are when you are working for someone else.
- You have to take care of all of your money management, you have to work on project after project if you want to have enough money to stay financially afloat, and you have to provide for your own healthcare.
- These three factors all add up to create a feeling of fiscal insecurity for many people, and because of the major financial risk involved, many people feel that freelancing is not for them.
- There is also heavy competition in the world of freelancing. The internet has been both a blessing and a curse to freelancers from around the world.
- On one hand it has opened the doors to make the world of freelancing much more accessible to anyone who has ever thought about setting out on their own and becoming their own boss.
- On the other hand though, the internet makes it very easy for freelancers to get in touch with potential clients and possibly steal jobs right out from under you.
- Because of the heavy competition as a result of the internet, you may have to start out with very low pay for each project you do as a novice freelancer.
- When your client list expands however, you will be able to make more in the long term.
4 Steps To Do Before Running Ppc Ads
How many times you think that you have a brilliant idea, but after put it into action finally you realize that your idea wasn't good enough to produce thousands of dollar?
Don't worry... you're not the only one!
Now, let's say you want to open a new business in a 'real' world. What will you do before you decide to run it?
Yes! Of course you will analyze your idea first. Because if don't do it, you'll lose a lot of money. The question is, did you do it before you start selling your idea on internet?
Just because starting business on internet doesn't take a lot of money to invest, most people specially newbies, forgot about this first important step. So when they get excited of an idea, they just buy a new domain, start designing a new website then when they realize that there's a lot of competitors on their market, they start to think the second idea and so on. No wondering if finally they give up to soon.
OK, I have 4 simple steps to analyze the market before you run your internet business :
1. Competitors : you must know how much the competitors on your market. In this step, there are only 3 possibilities very competitive, low competition and no competitors at all. Search engine can be used as an indicator. The more you see 'Sponsored Links' then the more competitors on your market.
2. Customers : if you found a market with low competition of ads... wait! don't get happy to early. You have to analyze how many customer will you get on that market. Keyword suggestion tool such as Wordtracker or Inventory Overture can be a powerful tool to predict your customer.
3. Price : don't forget to check your competitor's product or service price. If you want to be an affiliate, please check the commission first before you run PPC ads. Use Froogle to give you product price of any product related with your market.
4. Advertising Cost : this is the last and important step. Let's say you promote your product or service using PPC advertisement. It means you have to control your budget so that it won't cost you too much, but your business still profitable. Do calculation, for example your commission is $10 per sale and your conversion rate is just 4%, then you can't bid keywords more than $0.4 per click. Also, please remember 4% conversion rate means there will be 4 sales from 100 visitors or clicks, so don't stop your campaign until you get 100 visitors.
Treat your internet business as a real business, every decision you'll take should be based on accurate analysis, not emotion or feeling.
Author of this article is Robert Hanson. Robert start selling on internet since 2004, his first four figure income did by realizing there is something to do before creating website or product that is market analysis. is his site that teach people how to do market analysis, accurately.
Don't worry... you're not the only one!
Now, let's say you want to open a new business in a 'real' world. What will you do before you decide to run it?
Yes! Of course you will analyze your idea first. Because if don't do it, you'll lose a lot of money. The question is, did you do it before you start selling your idea on internet?
Just because starting business on internet doesn't take a lot of money to invest, most people specially newbies, forgot about this first important step. So when they get excited of an idea, they just buy a new domain, start designing a new website then when they realize that there's a lot of competitors on their market, they start to think the second idea and so on. No wondering if finally they give up to soon.
OK, I have 4 simple steps to analyze the market before you run your internet business :
1. Competitors : you must know how much the competitors on your market. In this step, there are only 3 possibilities very competitive, low competition and no competitors at all. Search engine can be used as an indicator. The more you see 'Sponsored Links' then the more competitors on your market.
2. Customers : if you found a market with low competition of ads... wait! don't get happy to early. You have to analyze how many customer will you get on that market. Keyword suggestion tool such as Wordtracker or Inventory Overture can be a powerful tool to predict your customer.
3. Price : don't forget to check your competitor's product or service price. If you want to be an affiliate, please check the commission first before you run PPC ads. Use Froogle to give you product price of any product related with your market.
4. Advertising Cost : this is the last and important step. Let's say you promote your product or service using PPC advertisement. It means you have to control your budget so that it won't cost you too much, but your business still profitable. Do calculation, for example your commission is $10 per sale and your conversion rate is just 4%, then you can't bid keywords more than $0.4 per click. Also, please remember 4% conversion rate means there will be 4 sales from 100 visitors or clicks, so don't stop your campaign until you get 100 visitors.
Treat your internet business as a real business, every decision you'll take should be based on accurate analysis, not emotion or feeling.
Author of this article is Robert Hanson. Robert start selling on internet since 2004, his first four figure income did by realizing there is something to do before creating website or product that is market analysis. is his site that teach people how to do market analysis, accurately.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Free Resources Helpful for Making Money Online - September 13 2007
JV Giveaway Guide - e-book
The purposes of running JV giveaway events are to build subscribers list and boost online sales. This e-book will explain how to start a JV giveway program that can help increase both your list subscribers and make more money from your online business.
The Adam Ginsberg free Private Members Site at is teaching people to make money on ebay. The membership site contains loads of ebay selling tips, strategies and techniques where you learn and use them to build a successful ebay business.
The purposes of running JV giveaway events are to build subscribers list and boost online sales. This e-book will explain how to start a JV giveway program that can help increase both your list subscribers and make more money from your online business.

The Adam Ginsberg free Private Members Site at is teaching people to make money on ebay. The membership site contains loads of ebay selling tips, strategies and techniques where you learn and use them to build a successful ebay business.
Internet Marketing for Long-Term: 5 Things You Must Pay Attention to
Whether you’re just launching a new online business, or currently have one, it’s important that you continue to generate business growth by following five key points. When you focus on the growth of your online business or e-commerce website; your future profits, further expansion, and continued achievement are more secure.
The five key points you need to pay attention to and implement in your business so that you can ensure the further success of your business are:
The five key points you need to pay attention to and implement in your business so that you can ensure the further success of your business are:
- Build your customer database. Make sure that you use a variety of methods to build your customer database. The more leads that you have the more profits you’ll achieve.
- Research your target market. It’s important that you have a clear idea of who your target market is. Take the time to research who your competitors are for the products or services that you’re selling.
- Deliver what you promise. Don’t make false promises to your customers that you can’t follow through with. Promising certain products, services, or special deals to lure in people means that you have to follow through with the delivery so that you gain the trust and respect of your customers.
- Have a definite business plan and goals. Make sure that you have a solid business plan so that you know exactly what path you need to take to reach your goals and how long it will take you to get there.
- Advertise and reach your customers. You need to reach your customers so that they can see what products and services you have to offer. Advertising can take place on or off the Internet using newsletters, e-mail automation techniques, or by following leads that are provided by your existing customers.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Zubka - Get Paid to Refer Jobs to Others
Zubka is a unique job referral site which allows you to make money in two ways:
First, you can earn cash reward by recommending jobs in Zubka job board to your friends, family members and your network of contacts who then get hired.
And second you can invite your contacts (friends,colleagues and etc) to become Zubka referrers and every placement they ever make Zubka will pay you 5 per cent of the referral fee.
Is Zubka Worldwide?
Although anyone in the world can join Zubka Referrer program but it seems that the program is only worked in:
First, you can earn cash reward by recommending jobs in Zubka job board to your friends, family members and your network of contacts who then get hired.
And second you can invite your contacts (friends,colleagues and etc) to become Zubka referrers and every placement they ever make Zubka will pay you 5 per cent of the referral fee.

Although anyone in the world can join Zubka Referrer program but it seems that the program is only worked in:
- United State
- United Kingdom
- European countries
- Australia
- New Zealand
Monday, September 10, 2007
Another Free Telephone Seminar about Making Money with E-book
It seems that lately Internet marketers like to organize online seminar to give away free information to the public. David Riklan, founder of is inviting people to attend a 60-minute telephone seminar at home. David and his partner Eric Taylor will speak about the system they applied to develop and market eBooks on the Internet.
Date and Time
Two dates: Either September 11th 9:00 pm Eastern or September 18th 3:00pm Eastern.
How to Sign up
To sign up for this Free TeleSeminar, you may go to and fill in a simple form with your name and email address. Don't worry about the opt-in, you can always unsubscribe after gaining helpful information from the seminar.
There's no cost to participate in this telephone seminar except your normal long distance charges.
Date and Time
Two dates: Either September 11th 9:00 pm Eastern or September 18th 3:00pm Eastern.
How to Sign up
To sign up for this Free TeleSeminar, you may go to and fill in a simple form with your name and email address. Don't worry about the opt-in, you can always unsubscribe after gaining helpful information from the seminar.
There's no cost to participate in this telephone seminar except your normal long distance charges.
Affiliate Marketing – How Really Competitive It is and How to Survive in the Competition
When you watch a football game on TV, you can easily see how games are won or lost in the battle that takes place on the line of scrimmage. Offensive plays are designed to protect the quarterback and/or to open up holes in the defense so that yardage can be gained.
Defensive plays are designed to sack the quarterback or close holes that would allow yardage to be gained. Quarterbacks and coaches get the credit for wins and blame for losses but the battle is won or lost in the trenches.
Affiliate marketing is a lot like a football game just without the bruises and sore muscles. An affiliate marketer must design offensive plays and defensive plays that will put him in a position to win the affiliate wars.
When you are one of many marketers who are trying to sell the very same product to the very same consumers, you had better have a plan to get at least your fair share of the market or more.
Every niche market on the Internet is competitive. If it isn’t competitive then there can’t possibly be much of a customer base to sell to. That is just the nature of all Internet marketing and in every niche.
So, you ask, what is it that I can do that will assure that my customers will buy from me? The answer is just one word... unique!
You have to be unique. You have to offer something that sets you completely apart from your competitors. You have to make your offer for a product or service for which you are an affiliate more attractive to buy from you than it is to buy from you competitors.
If you simply send out a marketing email advertising a product or service that you are an affiliate marketer for, you need to remember that there are dozens or maybe even hundreds of other marketers who are sending out marketing email advertising the exact same product or service and many of them are sending them to the same people that you are. You have to do something to make sure that your customers buy from have to be unique.
There are several ways to achieve uniqueness. One way is to have established yourself as an expert in the field for which the product or service is being sold. You have to have become not only visible but credible, as well. This visibility and credibility is not easily achieved. It takes a lot of hard work, time and effort.
Visibility and credibility are established by taking such measures as writing and marketing articles and E-Books, posting to blogs and forums, appearing as an expert on teleseminars and webinars, etc. The fact is that when people know you and trust you, they buy from you. They will buy from you even is your competitors are offering a better deal or more incentives.
People do not like to buy from strangers. The Internet is a big impersonal and even frightening place to many consumers. They want to feel like they know and trust the people that they buy products and services from. The time, effort and energy that you put into becoming visible and credible is the best time, effort and energy investment that you will ever make. Reputation is everything in the world of Internet marketing. Credibility makes you unique.
Add extras! Add free gifts! Even better than extras and free gifts is additional help to use the product or service that is being sold. You can offer a free teleseminar for those who buy the product or service from you that will make the product or service better or easier to use.
You can most likely even get the producer or the product or service to speak at your event if you plan far enough ahead. People just love teleseminars... and they love free...when you add teleseminar and free together, you will have a winning play that might just score the proverbial touchdown for you.
Defensive plays are designed to sack the quarterback or close holes that would allow yardage to be gained. Quarterbacks and coaches get the credit for wins and blame for losses but the battle is won or lost in the trenches.
Affiliate marketing is a lot like a football game just without the bruises and sore muscles. An affiliate marketer must design offensive plays and defensive plays that will put him in a position to win the affiliate wars.
When you are one of many marketers who are trying to sell the very same product to the very same consumers, you had better have a plan to get at least your fair share of the market or more.
Every niche market on the Internet is competitive. If it isn’t competitive then there can’t possibly be much of a customer base to sell to. That is just the nature of all Internet marketing and in every niche.
So, you ask, what is it that I can do that will assure that my customers will buy from me? The answer is just one word... unique!
You have to be unique. You have to offer something that sets you completely apart from your competitors. You have to make your offer for a product or service for which you are an affiliate more attractive to buy from you than it is to buy from you competitors.
If you simply send out a marketing email advertising a product or service that you are an affiliate marketer for, you need to remember that there are dozens or maybe even hundreds of other marketers who are sending out marketing email advertising the exact same product or service and many of them are sending them to the same people that you are. You have to do something to make sure that your customers buy from have to be unique.
There are several ways to achieve uniqueness. One way is to have established yourself as an expert in the field for which the product or service is being sold. You have to have become not only visible but credible, as well. This visibility and credibility is not easily achieved. It takes a lot of hard work, time and effort.
Visibility and credibility are established by taking such measures as writing and marketing articles and E-Books, posting to blogs and forums, appearing as an expert on teleseminars and webinars, etc. The fact is that when people know you and trust you, they buy from you. They will buy from you even is your competitors are offering a better deal or more incentives.
People do not like to buy from strangers. The Internet is a big impersonal and even frightening place to many consumers. They want to feel like they know and trust the people that they buy products and services from. The time, effort and energy that you put into becoming visible and credible is the best time, effort and energy investment that you will ever make. Reputation is everything in the world of Internet marketing. Credibility makes you unique.
Add extras! Add free gifts! Even better than extras and free gifts is additional help to use the product or service that is being sold. You can offer a free teleseminar for those who buy the product or service from you that will make the product or service better or easier to use.
You can most likely even get the producer or the product or service to speak at your event if you plan far enough ahead. People just love teleseminars... and they love free...when you add teleseminar and free together, you will have a winning play that might just score the proverbial touchdown for you.
Paid Blogging Opportunity at EatonWeb Blog
EatonWeb is looking for an SEO artist and/or directory specialist to contribute to their blog. The blogger will be responsible for updating EatonWeb Blog with fresh content. The pay is $100 per month for writing any of the following:
A) Four 800 word columns monthy or
B) Two 800 word columns and four 400 word columns month or
C) Eight 400 word columns
How to Apply
Anyone interested to the part-time blogging position may email to ryan [at] performancing [dot] com.
A) Four 800 word columns monthy or
B) Two 800 word columns and four 400 word columns month or
C) Eight 400 word columns
How to Apply
Anyone interested to the part-time blogging position may email to ryan [at] performancing [dot] com.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Video Training to Help You Start Earning Money Online by Setting Up Your Own Internet Business

Here's the link to join Hot Marketing Videos Starter to get all the training material free.
Also when become a member of Hot Marketing Videos Starter, you 'll automaically sign up as a affiliate of Ameer Salim and earn 50% commission for every sale refered by you.
An Introducation toThe Different Types Of Resale Rights
Resale rights are one of the fastest ways to make money online. All the hard work like finding a profitable product idea, researching the niche, product creation and development are done for you. All you need to do is buy the high-demand product that comes with resale rights and upload it to your website and you are in business.
As you may already know, there are many different kinds of resale rights that you can buy and resell them for profit.
Here are the main types:
Resale Rights
This gives you the right to resell a product to an end user. This can apply to both physical and digital products. Where a digital product is concerned, you resell the product and keep
100% of the profits without losing the enjoyment of the same product as digital products
are duplicable in nature.
Basic Resale Rights
You have the right to resell the product but your customer does not have the right to resell it to another. You keep 100% of the profit after every sale you make.
Master Resale Rights
You have the right to resell the product as well as the Basic Resale rights itself to your customers. Your customers can in turn resell the same book to their customers. The Master Resale rights can either be bundled together with the purchase of the product or purchased separately from the product.
Private Label Rights
This is the mother lode of all resale rights! Buying Private Label Rights usually give you the right to change the product in any way you like, put your own name on it, sell resale
rights or even master resale rights to others and basically use and treat the product as it were your own creation.
Give Away Rights
You can give the product away for free. In most cases, however, you cannot resell and/or edit it.
Royalty Rights
You have to pay the original product author or franchisor a percentage of every sale made by you. This right normally applies to physical products. McDonald’s and books found in
bookstores are very good examples that demonstrate this right.
At times you can purchase a product and it will automatically come with either resale rights or master resale rights. Other times, you purchase the product and the resale or master
resale rights separately. In either case, once you have some type of resale rights to a product, you may then begin making sales and you get to keep 100% of the profits.
This is just like having a product of your own. The only difference is that you are not authorized to change anything about the product and the product creator's name remains
on the product.
I'll bet that you even own rights to products already and you may not even realize it. You see, many products on the internet are sold with either resale rights or master resale rights already. So, make sure that you read the sales letters carefully!
As you may already know, there are many different kinds of resale rights that you can buy and resell them for profit.
Here are the main types:
Resale Rights
This gives you the right to resell a product to an end user. This can apply to both physical and digital products. Where a digital product is concerned, you resell the product and keep
100% of the profits without losing the enjoyment of the same product as digital products
are duplicable in nature.
Basic Resale Rights
You have the right to resell the product but your customer does not have the right to resell it to another. You keep 100% of the profit after every sale you make.
Master Resale Rights
You have the right to resell the product as well as the Basic Resale rights itself to your customers. Your customers can in turn resell the same book to their customers. The Master Resale rights can either be bundled together with the purchase of the product or purchased separately from the product.
Private Label Rights
This is the mother lode of all resale rights! Buying Private Label Rights usually give you the right to change the product in any way you like, put your own name on it, sell resale
rights or even master resale rights to others and basically use and treat the product as it were your own creation.
Give Away Rights
You can give the product away for free. In most cases, however, you cannot resell and/or edit it.
Royalty Rights
You have to pay the original product author or franchisor a percentage of every sale made by you. This right normally applies to physical products. McDonald’s and books found in
bookstores are very good examples that demonstrate this right.
At times you can purchase a product and it will automatically come with either resale rights or master resale rights. Other times, you purchase the product and the resale or master
resale rights separately. In either case, once you have some type of resale rights to a product, you may then begin making sales and you get to keep 100% of the profits.
This is just like having a product of your own. The only difference is that you are not authorized to change anything about the product and the product creator's name remains
on the product.
I'll bet that you even own rights to products already and you may not even realize it. You see, many products on the internet are sold with either resale rights or master resale rights already. So, make sure that you read the sales letters carefully!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Free Resources Helpful for Making Money Online - September 07 2007
Easy Niche Audio Video Course
This video course is a complete guide to making money online by selling your own niche audio product. The course will show you how to create profitable audio products and promote them to get people to purchase your audio products.
Sale Page Primer - Report
The copywriting tips and information in Sale Page Primer report may be able to help you improve your sales page conversion rate. Topics you will read and learn includes headers, your headline & sub headlines, features and benefits, order process and more.
This video course is a complete guide to making money online by selling your own niche audio product. The course will show you how to create profitable audio products and promote them to get people to purchase your audio products.
Sale Page Primer - Report
The copywriting tips and information in Sale Page Primer report may be able to help you improve your sales page conversion rate. Topics you will read and learn includes headers, your headline & sub headlines, features and benefits, order process and more.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
A Quick Update on AuctionAds
AuctionAds is now offering $25 bonus to web publishers and bloggers who sign up as a new
AuctionAds Publisher. New AuctionAds Publishers will receive an instant balance of $25.00 automatically once they completed the sign up process. And the $25 bonus cannot be withdrawn until the new publishers reach the $50 minimum payout.
Existing AuctionAds publishers are given a unique affiliate link to spread the word about this offer. AuctionAds publishers will earn 5% of all revenue generated by new AuctionAds publishers they refer for a full six months.
Auction Ads and Google AdSense
Auction ads program has no conflict with Google AdSense. This means that you can place your Auction ads onto each of your web pages that currently display AdSense ads to generate more advertising revenue.
Try AuctionAds

Existing AuctionAds publishers are given a unique affiliate link to spread the word about this offer. AuctionAds publishers will earn 5% of all revenue generated by new AuctionAds publishers they refer for a full six months.
Auction Ads and Google AdSense
Auction ads program has no conflict with Google AdSense. This means that you can place your Auction ads onto each of your web pages that currently display AdSense ads to generate more advertising revenue.
Try AuctionAds
7 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commission - Part 1
Affiliate program promotion is a most rewarding and easy way of earning money online. You don’t have to be very knowledgeable or experienced, to be successful at affiliate marketing. This is a great way of earning residual income.
Many people don’t make the sort of commissions that can be made with affiliate marketing. It would help to understand the different routes one can take to earn huge affiliate commissions.
Article writing and distribution
With article writing, you can promote your affiliate programs very effectively and earn money. High quality and informative articles should be submitted to all the good article directories, like Ezine articles, which has a high PR. These articles will appear on search engines like Google, when people search for information related to your article. Writing articles and having a link to your website in the signature box helps drive huge amounts of traffic to your website, as long as you ensure your articles are attention-grabbing and your bio has a strong call to action. Just make doubly sure not to link directly to the affiliate product, as many top directories don’t allow this. It’s best to have your own website. Since you are going to be advertising your affiliate link on the website, there will be a huge increase in the number of sales and the end result is an increase in your affiliate commissions.
Multiple keywords in articles
Having multiple keywords related to your affiliate program in the articles, helps you rank higher in the search engines like Google for those keywords. If your affiliate program is related to making money online, you can have keywords like “make money from home”, “make money working online”, “make money working from home”, “earn money online” etc. When people who are looking to make money online, type any of the related key phrases, your article will show up at the top of the search engine. If you rank high for at least 3 key phrases related to your business instead of just one key phrase, your traffic will increase tremendously and so will your affiliate commissions. This is a very powerful technique that will certainly increase your affiliate commission.
Ad campaign personalization
To earn more commissions from affiliate programs, it would help to offer your visitors something more than just the affiliate program. Do not ever rely solely on your affiliate program website as a good way of promotion. Personal touch matters and will help get you more affiliate commissions in the long run. You can make a list of the particular market products and see what people are looking for. Do not refer them directly to the merchant’s website. It would do good to give something like a ‘quick start guide’ to gain the visitor’s attention. Many people may not know much about the affiliate program being promoted by you, so your guide, which will explain things will be helpful. This gives a feeling that you care. This will sky rocket the affiliate sales.
Many people don’t make the sort of commissions that can be made with affiliate marketing. It would help to understand the different routes one can take to earn huge affiliate commissions.
Article writing and distribution
With article writing, you can promote your affiliate programs very effectively and earn money. High quality and informative articles should be submitted to all the good article directories, like Ezine articles, which has a high PR. These articles will appear on search engines like Google, when people search for information related to your article. Writing articles and having a link to your website in the signature box helps drive huge amounts of traffic to your website, as long as you ensure your articles are attention-grabbing and your bio has a strong call to action. Just make doubly sure not to link directly to the affiliate product, as many top directories don’t allow this. It’s best to have your own website. Since you are going to be advertising your affiliate link on the website, there will be a huge increase in the number of sales and the end result is an increase in your affiliate commissions.
Multiple keywords in articles
Having multiple keywords related to your affiliate program in the articles, helps you rank higher in the search engines like Google for those keywords. If your affiliate program is related to making money online, you can have keywords like “make money from home”, “make money working online”, “make money working from home”, “earn money online” etc. When people who are looking to make money online, type any of the related key phrases, your article will show up at the top of the search engine. If you rank high for at least 3 key phrases related to your business instead of just one key phrase, your traffic will increase tremendously and so will your affiliate commissions. This is a very powerful technique that will certainly increase your affiliate commission.
Ad campaign personalization
To earn more commissions from affiliate programs, it would help to offer your visitors something more than just the affiliate program. Do not ever rely solely on your affiliate program website as a good way of promotion. Personal touch matters and will help get you more affiliate commissions in the long run. You can make a list of the particular market products and see what people are looking for. Do not refer them directly to the merchant’s website. It would do good to give something like a ‘quick start guide’ to gain the visitor’s attention. Many people may not know much about the affiliate program being promoted by you, so your guide, which will explain things will be helpful. This gives a feeling that you care. This will sky rocket the affiliate sales.
7 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commission - Part 2
Creating a blog
How does a blog help? Having a blog on your website means fresh content on the website. Fresh content drives traffic to the website. Have reviews of the affiliate products on the blog and also your affiliate links. People will read these reviews and click on the links, thus increasing affiliate commissions through an increase in affiliate sales. You can also aim at having a separate blog, where you have fresh content and redirect visitors to your website.
Targeting the right market
You should aim at advertising your affiliate products to the right market. Advertising your acne affiliate product to an IM niche will not yield good results. The most cost effective way of getting the right people to your affiliate product is finding forums related to your affiliate product or social networking sites targeted at the correct niche. These are the places where your market is usually found. This will bring targeted traffic to your affiliate product, which will result in more sales.
Creating a list and ezine
Creating a mailing list is very crucial to being a successful affiliate. Once you have a mailing list, an ezine becomes a powerful way of promoting your affiliate program to your subscribers. Bring out an ezine that is related to the affiliate program you are promoting. You can have an ezine sent out weekly, where you will be promoting affiliate product related to the content of the ezine. Over a period of time, since these people are used to getting some good info from you, they will begin trusting you, and in turn look at products being promoted by you. This is a great way of increasing affiliate commissions.
Cloaking affiliate links
This may not be a direct way of increasing affiliate sales, but a way of ensuring that you don’t lose any sales. Yes, losing sales is common in the affiliate business. It is also considered to be very unprofessional displaying affiliate IDs. By cloaking, I mean that you do not display the affiliate ID that is used to get you commissions. If you have a website, you don’t have to worry about this, but if you don’t, then there are several ways of cloaking your affiliate IDs.
One way is to buy a domain name related to the product that you are promoting and then using domain forwarding to mask the affiliate links. Alternatively, you will find software that masks the affiliate links for you. You will find plenty of such softwares if you search on Google. There are also several free cloaking sites that help you cloak your links for free.
By following the above steps for promoting your affiliate programs, you will see your commissions increase and you will start making money through affiliate programs immediately.
How does a blog help? Having a blog on your website means fresh content on the website. Fresh content drives traffic to the website. Have reviews of the affiliate products on the blog and also your affiliate links. People will read these reviews and click on the links, thus increasing affiliate commissions through an increase in affiliate sales. You can also aim at having a separate blog, where you have fresh content and redirect visitors to your website.
Targeting the right market
You should aim at advertising your affiliate products to the right market. Advertising your acne affiliate product to an IM niche will not yield good results. The most cost effective way of getting the right people to your affiliate product is finding forums related to your affiliate product or social networking sites targeted at the correct niche. These are the places where your market is usually found. This will bring targeted traffic to your affiliate product, which will result in more sales.
Creating a list and ezine
Creating a mailing list is very crucial to being a successful affiliate. Once you have a mailing list, an ezine becomes a powerful way of promoting your affiliate program to your subscribers. Bring out an ezine that is related to the affiliate program you are promoting. You can have an ezine sent out weekly, where you will be promoting affiliate product related to the content of the ezine. Over a period of time, since these people are used to getting some good info from you, they will begin trusting you, and in turn look at products being promoted by you. This is a great way of increasing affiliate commissions.
Cloaking affiliate links
This may not be a direct way of increasing affiliate sales, but a way of ensuring that you don’t lose any sales. Yes, losing sales is common in the affiliate business. It is also considered to be very unprofessional displaying affiliate IDs. By cloaking, I mean that you do not display the affiliate ID that is used to get you commissions. If you have a website, you don’t have to worry about this, but if you don’t, then there are several ways of cloaking your affiliate IDs.
One way is to buy a domain name related to the product that you are promoting and then using domain forwarding to mask the affiliate links. Alternatively, you will find software that masks the affiliate links for you. You will find plenty of such softwares if you search on Google. There are also several free cloaking sites that help you cloak your links for free.
By following the above steps for promoting your affiliate programs, you will see your commissions increase and you will start making money through affiliate programs immediately.
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