So How to Make Money in DealDotCom?
There are two ways to make money with DealDotCom:
1) Become affiliate of DealDotCom
Their affiliate program works just like other affiliate programs. First you join DealDotCom and they will give you a special affiliate link. You will be using the affiliate link promoting DealDotcom online. If someone clicks you affiliate link to join DealDotcom and later the person purchases an item in DealDotComm, you'll earn a portion of the sales price.
2) Market your products or services through DealDotCom
Do you have a quality product or services related to Internet marketing/online business? If you have one, you can submit it to DealDotCom for review and possible inclusion on DealDotCom. When your product is accepted, DealDotComm will sell your product for you by featuring it on their home page.
Although DealdotCom has just opened it door but the site has successful gained certain level of exposure thanks to a number of Internet marketers and bloggers spreading the word during the pre-launch stage of DealDotCom. so if you can get your product features at the home page now, most probably you'll experience a boost on your sales.
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