But the result is, no everyone enjoy high click through rate with the similar AdSense optimization technique. Those who have got nice click through rates and made a good AdSense income, congratulation to you! But, for those publishers who still get a poor AdSense performance after implementing the same technique, what is the reason?
Below are a few of the possible reasons why your AdSense site or blog doesn't performance as you expected.
You don't actually get real targeted traffic
When you have generated a lot of traffic to your site but still make tiny little money from AdSense, you will need to look into your traffic. Review your traffic stat to find out where most of your traffic come from. The traffic sources like search engines, off-line marketing, link bait, PPC contextual advertising and video marketing (your links are mentions in different websites and blogs) generally will provide you targeted traffic. If your traffic is from these sources mostly, then traffic probably isn't the reason why your AdSense site didn't perform.
Article marketing also send targeted traffic, but it usually don't work well for Adsense according to my experience.
Other traffic sources like social bookmarking, forum posting and blog commenting can also give you consistent amount of traffic but the problem is these sources often don't send your real targeted traffic. Most of these traffic may be just are those competitors or the friendly web publishers of your niche. The competitors want to know what you are up to and the friendly web publishers want to see the design of your site, your content or make friend with you. These types of visitors seldom convert into AdSense revenue. So, you might need to change your web promotion plan if you face these situations.
However, if you are one of the leading experts in a particular niche, then social bookmarking and forum traffic may be excellent to you. Those web publishers of your niche who directed from social media sites and forums to your site will choose to listen to you than turning themselves to be your competitors because your voice has strong influence in the niche. But, in this case, AdSense still doesn’t work. The best way to make money is to offer them your quality product or service.
Your will find 5 more possible reasons of low AdSense earning in part 2 of this article, stay tuned for part 2 in next Tuesday.
14 October Update: Part 2 has been published here.
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