There are a few more possible reasons and you will find them in this article.
Your web design or blog template doesn't suit for AdSense
From my two years experience in AdSense, I found that the design of your website or blog has a lot to do with your AdSense performance. A poor designed website will of course make your AdSense performance bad, but, even with a advanced high tech website, AdSense probably still

Let's start with the layout of your website, both two column and three column layouts can be used for AdSense. But for good performance, if you are using two columns, the sidebar should be on the left and the content section on the right. If you are using three column, the traditional three column are still the best which is both the left and and right columns are a sidebar and the middle column between the left and right is for content.
Your site must have a header with a compelling logo included if possible. The look and feel of your site need to be professional, clean and neat. Adding some beautiful images and photos can make thing even better, but too many can draw your visitors’ attention away from your Adsense ads. For the navigation section the sidebar of your site, I would suggest you not using buttons; instead you should use simple text links for your navigation area. Make the color of your navigation links match your website.
Your site is displaying low content relevant Google ads frequently
This is one of the possible reasons as the AdSense ads that attract your visitors are those ads that are highly relevant to your content. One easiest way to get a quick understanding on the ad relevancy of your content pages is by visiting your site yourself. Browse every web page to see what ads show up in your AdSense units. If you still quite a number of low relevant ads show up, this might be one of the reasons pulling your AdSense revenue down.
You can then record down the urls of all the low relevant ads and use the Google AdSense Filter tool to stop these ads appear on your content pages.
Another way to find these low relevant ads is by using an AdSense preview tool. What the tool can do for you is it can give a list of AdSense ads that will potentially appear on each single web page. All you need to do is entering the main keyword or urls of each of your pages into the tool. From the AdSense ads list you generated, you may find some low relevant ads that you can filter out.
Other possible reasons for poor AdSense performance
You opted for image ads when generate AdSense ad code - Part of the time, image ads will show up on your content pages. This isn't help actually. Firstly image ads are proven to be low click-through rate and secondly Google seems like has far lesser image ad inventory compared with text ad inventory, so you might be getting irrelevant images showing up on your pages.
You don't place enough AdSense ad units in your content pages - A lot of web publishers put only one AdSense ad unit with their article content. But, from what I learned from the experts, we can actually have two AdSense ad units placed within an article. The first unit place on the top left of the article body content just below the article title but align with the first sentence of the body content. And another AdSense unit display on just below the end of the content. And then you may also make use of Adsense link ads. Place one AdSense link ad unit on the navigation section of each of your web pages, match it well with your navigation links and you will earn extra revenue from the AdSense link ads.
Low traffic - This one you may have known it when you find you AdSense revenue little.
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