Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ways to Obtain Unique Content and Articles for Your Money Making Blog (Part 2)

Re-writing private label articles (PLR)
For a small fee monthly, you get a set of PLR quality articles of different niches every month in Some of the PLR articles may be suitable for your blog. But these PLR articles aren't unique because they will be published by other people who buy them as well. So what you can do is re-write these PLR articles into unique articles and post them on your blog. You can either re-write them by yourself or by using an article writing software.

Article writing software will turn a PLR article into unique content in less than 10 minutes. But you cannot publish unique articles written by software straight forward on your blog. Some editing works are needed to improve the software-generated articles so that they sound ok when reading by humans.

Hiring blog writers
Outsourcing the content creation process to others will save you a lot of work and give you more free time. There are 2 choices when hiring writers for your blog. You can either look for a blogger that will in charge your blog content creation work entirely and pay the blogger a flat fee monthly. Or you can request freelance writers from freelance sites to write a number of articles for you and pay them anywhere $15 and $30 per article.

Guest blogging
When you are out of content ideas, you can invite other bloggers to write for your blog. This is known as guest blogging. The agreement usually is pretty simple. You invite someone to become a guest blogger and the guest blogger will write unique content for publication on your blog. In return, the guest blogger will get one or two free link back from your blog. You are getting free unique content this way and the guest blogger is benefited by getting free exposure and link back from your blog.

Automated content with Wordpress rewriter
Wordpress rewriter is a plugin for wordpress blogs, and this turns the articles into unique content. All pages will be 100% unique written content. You will be able to copy and paste, import posts through RSS feeds, place content from any source you want to, and everything will be transformed into unique content. I may not opt for this, but it certainly could be an option for someone hard pressed for time and looking for some easy content.

Just think outside the box and look for ways of getting the latest ideas for the niche you are in and content for your blog can be created in a matter of minutes. The only way to stay in the race is making your blogs content rich and driving traffic.

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