There are several ways of generating fresh and unique content with minimal effort and time.
Here are some conventional and time-tested methods of getting fresh content.
Write from the heart
A bog is where you are interacting with your visitors and a personal touch will attract more people that you would think. Write a 500 word article each day for your blog.
If you are not a writer yourself or you would rather concentrate on getting traffic to your blogs or creating new blogs, then pay for the articles and get them written. There are some article writers out there that work for cheap rates and are good.
The tough part of maintaining a blog is certainly not writing content, it is getting new content ideas.
Content through researching
Researching other blogs may be time taking but a necessary evil. To be above your competition, you first need to know what they have to offer. Some blogs may have great ideas but their presentation of those ideas may be lacking, while others have unique presentation styles but lack ideas. Combining the best of other blogs and adding valuable information is the key to keeping your blog fresh and a step above the others.
Let us take a look at some unconventional and less used methods of obtaining unique ideas, which can then be transformed into unique content:
1. Google provides lots of other tools other than web searches, which can be used on the blogs, depending on the niche. News with http://news.google.com and a lot of latest up-to-date information can be retrieved and made summary of to create your own content.
2. Google ‘groups.’ (http://grous.google.com/). Here people discuss various subjects and is the best place to see what people are truly interested in, in a given niche.
3. Alexa.com, when you do a search on your subject comes up with the same results as Google as it is powered by Google. You may be wondering why you need to look at it then? Because it does provide value added information. When you do a search, click on the ‘site info’ link and not on the link that takes one to the listed site. You will be taken to a section, ‘People who visit this page also visit,’ and this is where you would be going, as this place shows what the marketplace is interested in.
4. Encouraging readers to ask questions and answering them on the blog is a great interactive way of attracting return visitors as well as obtaining useful content. The blogs that gets tons of comments get crawled by search engines more frequently, as a comment is almost like updating the page.
5. Check out the forums in the niche and pick out questions and talk about them on your blog.
6. Talk about the 'common misconceptions' in your niche and try to explain why it is a misconception in your blog.
7. Interview experts in the field, and this gets valuable information to your blog as well as helps with marketing.
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