Monday, December 31, 2007
This Thursday Tele-Training: How to Make Money Online Starting from Scratch
Lisa Diane and Mike Antoni is currently inviting people to attend their free 60 minute tele-training to be held on January 3rd 2008 at 9pm EST. Sign up details of this free tele-training can be found at
During this tele-training, you'll discover the step-by-step method used by Lisa Diane and Mike Antoni to create a successful online profit business in less than 12 months. And you might find any useful techniques and ideas for your online money making venture startup listening to this tele-training.
How You Can Get Paid for Surveys in Your Spare Time
You can find many websites where you can get paid to take simple surveys about products for companies that need your opinion.
Who Will Pay for Your Opinion?
Marketing departments and product developers are always looking for the opinion of consumers. There are companies that do nothing but analyze data for the express purpose of putting out goods and services that people will buy and use. This is a valuable marketing tool. Knowing what the consumer wants is the first step in selling successfully. This is why you can get paid for surveys you take.
There are many online survey companies where you can get paid for surveys. Some of the companies offer rewards in the form of points that you can redeem for cash or merchandise. Other companies offer you cold hard cash as a way for you to get paid for surveys. As a bonus, some companies even enter you in valuable sweepstakes where you can win cash and prizes for your time and efforts.
Where to Find the Websites that Pay the Most Money
If you are reading to voice your opinions and get paid for surveys, you have to be willing to take some time to research the companies that will offer you the best compensation for your time and opinions. You may have to wade through a lot of phony baloney in order to get paid for surveys, but if you find the right companies to sign up with, you have the potential to make some nice money. It is easy to find companies offering you the chance to earn money while you surf the web and stay at home with the children.
Is it Worth My Time?
Learning how you can get paid for surveys that you take from home can certainly be worth your time if you do the proper research in the beginning. You can also find free downloads to put information you will be asked often for each survey down automatically so that you don’t have to waste time and energy typing the same information such as your name, address, birth date, etc. over and over again in order to get paid for surveys you have taken. Using such tools can permit you to fill out more surveys at a quicker pace and make even more money.
Should I Pay the Company a Fee?
You should never have to pay a company a dime in order to participate and get paid for surveys. Websites that ask their prospective clients for a fee in order to register to get paid for surveys are scamming the user. Most respected and well paying survey companies are more than happy to have members join their community with no out of pocket expense to you, in order to widen their knowledge about what consumers are looking for when they are looking for specific goods and services.
Taking surveys can be a fun and simple way for you to make some money if you find yourself at home and in front of the computer everyday. You can make extra money for a variety of reasons such as holiday shopping, or to pamper yourself with a day at the spa. Don’t give your opinions away for free, learn how you can get paid to take easy surveys at home and reap the cash and rewards from doing it.
You could be making a profit just by sitting in front of your computer and giving companies your opinion. We can help you with all the information you will need in order to get started. Please visit us at Get Pad for Surveys for opportunities you might not want to miss
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tips for Creating a Website to Make Money Online
1. Do you need a shopping cart or an e-commerce solution on your website?

2. Do you want to reserve some space to display articles?
3. Would you like to make money with advertising programs (such as Google AdSense, Kontera Ad Link and, etc)? If yes, you'll need to plan for on-site advertising space in the website design.
4. Do your website design need to be interactive for site visitors?
5. Are you going to use a content management system (CMS) to run your website?
6. Is there a need to add audio or video player on your website?
Once you have answered these questions, it is time to start designing a website for your online business. You have a few general options to consider when deciding how to design a website:
1. Pay a web design company or professional Web designer to design and create a custom website according to your requests and needs.
2. Design a website yourself if you already possess web design skills and experience or you can take a course to learn about web design and HTML code.
3. Search for a ready-made professional web template from free website template sites, or buy one from a web template provider. Then use the template to start building your site. You may customize the template to fit your needs.
Using a web template is probably the best option if you don’t need a custom web design, and don’t want to design a website from scratch yourself. The good things about using template are it saves you a lot of work in the website building process and you don't need to spend a hard time thinking about the background and layout for your website since web templates have all the design made ready. Below are some of sites that provide ready-made website templates where you can use to build a money making website:
1. – The website has a collection of 3937 Free Templates created by designers from around the globe available for download. They also provide free web graphics and links to professional website template.
2. – A lot of pre-made web templates created to fits the needs for different online business in Most of the templates are well designed and in good quality. Each template in costs $50 to $90.
3. – This is one of those subscription based template sites. For a yearly fee of $49.99, you can access to's library to download different types of website templates. New templates are added weekly, so you have the chance to use fresh new template for your website.
Whatever your decision is in designing a website for your online business, make sure that the website design serves the needs of both your online business and its target visitors.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Want To Learn How To Make Money Online?
Best advice is to get with someone (or system), which has been proven to be a success. Whether you’re just getting started or have already been earning money online, there’s no sense in “reinventing the wheel” (so to speak), just look for the right elements that will help you to make money online.
In my opinion, the easiest way to make money online with very little (if any) money out of pocket is through using Google’s AdSense. Why? One thing is, you can set up an AdSense account with Google at no cost to you. Second is, you can also take advantage of Google’s Blogger, which is also free. Put the two together by placing Google Ads on your Blog and you have created a way to make money online. It’s a fairly simple process but will take some time in learning how to set it up. I’d say on a scale of 1 to 10 for difficulty (with 10 being the toughest), it’s about a 3 for a person with general computer skills. Of course everyone varies with how well they comprehend a set of instructions but I believe using Google Ads along with Blogger to be the simplest to create for no money out of pocket.
Truthfully speaking (or writing), you won’t see a great deal of money just by throwing a Blog online and serving ads. You will need to put some thought into the actual copy that you are writing about on your Blog. The ads you receive from Google will be related to your Blogging subject and how you write about the information you choose to share with everyone. Quality content will tend to get you better quality ads (better paying but no guarantee) and in turn may cause your Blog to rise in search engine popularity. Optimizing your Blog for search engine friendliness is a plus and will increase your chances to make money online easier.
My experience has been to “keep it simple”. In order to make money online, if you begin to write or ramble on about matters using unrelated information to your subject, you can anticipate getting “generic” ads and/or service ads that don’t pay. So refrain from doing no nonsense type blogging. By keeping your sentences to the point and using keyword popular wording (takes a bit of research), you will get more favorable ads.
You will then want to list your blogging domain with the search engines, don’t wait for them to find you. The easiest one to register with in my opinion is MSN. Go there and type in your blogs name.
Example, if your blog is about Laser Engraving and your blog is named Laser Engraving (key point here), then type in the letters “laser engraving” in the MSN search bar along with the remaining part of your URL “”. If this is your first visit and first blog creation, it won’t be found and you will then be given the opportunity to submit the URL address yourself. Do it and you should see your blog listed within a day or two (at least that’s been my experience) and you will want to continue to ad to your blog or a regular basis that fits your schedule.
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of LogoFax a Logos & Clip Art site and has created another popular site that shows others how to build a successful online business. Go here to find out how you can profit with his popular free ecourse => Internet Based Business Opportunity
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Money Making Opportunities (21st Update) is a marketplace where you can join and make money by writing letters for others. There are hundreds of letter requests posted by visitors on every week, you can view these requests, then write and upload letters in response to the requests. You'll earn $10 every time a requestor uses one of your letters. Payment will be sent to you via Paypal, check or Western Union 30 days after each letter sale.
If you can refer people to join social networking site, then the SocialSplash affiliate program may be right for you. SocialSplash is a social networking website that pays web publishers for referring people to join SocialSplash. For each visitor's sign up referred by You, you'll earn $0.40. And if you meet the promotion requirements of SocialSplash you'll earn more cash from their monthly bonuses.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Making Money Online: Benefits of Learning from Others
If you are thinking seriously about making money online, you need to start out by learning from others. The fact of the matter is that any money making strategy comes with a learning curve. But when you start out by learning from those who have been successful in the past, this curve is going to become much more manageable.
Where can you find those people who are already making money online? The answer to this question is simple: you can find them online. Remember, those who are using the internet to their advantage can be found via the internet. And not only can you locate these people, but many of them offer high quality advice and assistance. If you are willing to take what they tell you to heart, there is a good chance that you will be able to join them in your quest to make money online.
There is no reason to think that making money online is out of your league. You may have to put in time to become familiar with the different methods of earning, but the same holds true with any job. And remember, learning from others is the first step to success!
About the Author
Most people live hard lives, struggling from paycheck to paycheck. They see millionaires playing golf at fancy, expensive country clubs and wonder how you can get in there…instead of only dreaming about being one of the millionaires yourself.
Have you ever wondered what the millionaires know about making money online that you don’t? If you have, until now, it’s been a useless exercise to wonder about the millionaires. They would NEVER reveal their jealously guarded secrets to you. They don’t want you in their private club. That was then. THIS is now. We’ve interviewed dozens of the richest multi-millionaire marketers on the planet…and had them finally open up and reveal all of their million dollar secrets to you!
Get dozens of multi-millionaires to share their jealously guarded secrets with you…
The Complete Step-by-Step Training Materials on how to Make Money Online with Resell Rights

Here's what you'll get in the resell rights package:
1) A Series of Video Tutorials - Resell Rights For Newbies
There is a total of 12 video tutorials showing you how to start a resell rights business from scratch using the right tools and set up a website to launch your resell rights business.
2) Resell Rights For Newbies Manuals
E-books and resources you can read to understand more about resell rights, learn how to become a profitable reseller and the different marketing strategies you can use to promote your website to generate sales.
3) The Newbies Ultimate Resell Rights Toolbox
Info and guide about getting more traffic to your site.
The link to join this tutorial site and get this free package is
Online Market Research - The Foundation of Building an Internet Business to Make Money Online
The Internet has plenty of free and inexpensive tools to help you research your market or niche online independently. Online market research is essential for a number of reasons:
1. To determine whether there is a targeted market or group for the products, services, or information you would be providing through your website.
2. To find out the competition on your target niche or market. If your research shows that there are hundreds millions of websites competing in an online niche or market, this could mean that the niche is already saturated.
3. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors as compared to your own online business.
4. To understand better the target audience of your niche, their needs, and how to reach your products, services or information to them.
Below are a number of online niche research tools and tactics you can use:
1. Search Engines – The 2 biggest search engines on the net, Google and Yahoo are simple tools that allow you to research any niche or market at no cost. Google and Yahoo are best use for determining the competition of your niche. Simply enter the common search phrases of your niche and press the search button; you'll discover how many websites roughly are competing for your niche. So you'll know how tough your competition is.
The search engines are also helpful for your website SEO such as checking your competitor’s website incoming links, so you can target the similar sites in your link-building campaign.
2. Keyword Suggestion Tools – Keyword suggestion tools will give you an idea of the demand level and the size of your target niche. Simply enter a search phrase commonly used by people to search websites in your niche and the tools will show the total number of searches done in the last month. If a niche has more than 50,000 searches monthly, then you can assume that the niche has a good level of demand. You should avoid entering into niches that have less than 10,000 monthly because they are lacked of demand and hard to make money. The 2 Keyword tools that often used by people to do niche research are Overture and Wordtracker. Overture seems not working properly right now, you may use another free tool here.
3. Online Market Research Reports – There are online companies and researchers conduct online market research and compile their research into reports available for the public to download online. Some of them charge a fee for the download and others offer the report absolutely free. Speaking about free market research reports, ebay has a section at where you can access to download several reports that tell you about what's hot in ebay market. Since ebay market is very large and worldwide, whatever items hot in ebay could also mean hot in the Internet market. So if you want to know whether your niche is profitable, you could always refer the ebay reports to get an idea of how profitable your niche is.
4. Online Survey – Conducting online survey is a great way to gather feedbacks from your target audience. One of the methods to conduct online surveys is by using poll sites like and You can join these poll sites and create polls to get a general consensus of what people want, how people think and how they make decisions among other things. Once you know what people are interested in buying or knowing, you can start setting your website up to offer them the products and services they need or to provide the info and content they are looking for.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas and a Free Tele-training about Making Money Online

And here is an opportunity to get into a free tele-training with Tellman Knudson and Santa Sal which will take place on January 3rd, 2008. 3.00pm EST. This tele-seminar will last approximately 60 minutes, and Santa Sal will expose in the seminar his 7 profitable marketing methods used for making money online.
And everyone that has registered for this live tele-seminar will be eligible for the $1,000 cash prizes lucky draw. The 3 lucky listeners will win cash prizes:
1st place gets $500 Cash
3rd place gets $200
2nd place gets $300
Plus, everyone on the live call will win something just for listening in. So don't miss out this free tele-seminar:
There is no charge to attend this live call except the normal long distance telephone charges.
Pay Per Play Audio Ads program may be the Next Big Thing on the Internet
The best part about this pay per play audio ads program is that web publishers who run the 5 second pay per play audio ads on their sites and blogs will be paid for every people visits their sites and blogs.
You can read more about how this program works in my previous post here or read the pay per play audio ads sale letter here.
Up to today, the pay per play audio ads has gained pretty high level of popularity due to their massive promotion. More and more well known Internet marketing experts have started to pay attention to this new ads program. Joel Comm is one of the online experts started to recommend pay per play audio ads program to others after he did some research on NetAudioads. I got an email from Joel Comm this morning recommending the program.
NetAudioads is backed by one of the big five search engines and claim that they already have 66,000 advertisers will be paying web publishers to run their audio ads. And the click-through rate is 100%. This mean that you'll earn advertising revenue for all the visitors come to you site. All this good signs seem that NetAudioads will be another popular money maker for web publishers and a close alternative to AdSense.
However, I would not be fully optimistic on this program until I test it after the program launched completely. One of the potential problem I identify is that NetAudioads doesn't provide an option to visitors to let them decide whether they want to hear the 5 second audio ad message. The 5 second audio ads would play automatically every time a visitor landed on your site and could possibly annoy your visitors.
But, I hope that NetAudioads would really be another money maker just like AdSense that will generate good income for websites and blogs.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Free Resources Helpful to Make Money Online - 23 Dec 2007 is a membership site allowing you to make money with clickbank affiliate programs in a few steps. When you join, you'll get a free Clickbank shoping mall with over 25,000 Clickbank info products added into your mall. You can then send visitors to your mall using different traffic generating methods and earn commission for each sale generated by your mall.
Simple Product Big Profit - Audio Content
Do you have problems coming up with a new product idea to make money online? Well, Jason Dinner explains in a MP3 recording how easy it is to come up with a simple product idea and then turn it into an immensely successful product. The length of this MP3 recording isn't long, only about 20 minutes, but packed with quality information that you can use.
E-mail Marketing video Tutorial
Writing promotional emails that get result isn't easy. You could easily made the common email marketing mistakes such as over use of powerful words, too many things included in your email and other common email mistakes. The new video tutorial from Michael Rasmussen will tell you the different types of email mistakes and how to avoid them. And the video will walk you through the process of creating killer email promotions that get people to buy whatever you're selling.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Make Money Online Now by Giving Away Jonathan Leger's Free SEO Report

Search Engine Myths Exposed
And you'll be paid for referring other people who sign up and download this report. You even get paid for referring people to download the preview chapter during this pre-launch.
For every confirmed sign up, Jon will paid $0.25. It's 2-tier, so if someone signs up through you and then they promote the report, you will get an additional $0.25 for every person they refer as well. Your earnings will be paid via Paypal on 1st and 15th day of each month after the launch of Search Engine Myths Exposed on Jan 9th 2008. The minimum payout is $5.
I experienced that Internet marketing experts who run these types of promotions tend to forget to make payment to member for the sign ups they generated. I believe they are too busy. So if you generated earning and didn't receive payment on time, you can send an email to ask for a payout.
Blog is a Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Online Business
You don’t have to be an expert writer or expert marketer to successfully make more money using business blogging. In fact, some of the most successful businesses approach their business blogging as a friendly, informal conversation with their target audience. No hard sell, no pushy sales tactics, just a normal conversation that serves to build and strengthen customer relationships.
Of course, you can’t just start a business blog and expect the profits to start rolling in. It takes a bit of planning, time, and energy to understand and apply the right tools to make your business blogging efforts as effective as possible, right from the start. It’s easy, though, if you have the right information at your fingertips.
Setting up your blog is not all that difficult, but you do have to put some time into determining the best place to put it. Some blog hosting services charge a fee, others are low or no cost, and you always have the option of hosting your blog right on your own business website.
So how do you decide? Start by thinking very carefully about your budget, your own computer skills, and your readiness to learn some basic blogging software. Just as importantly, though, also have to decide how you plan to keep your business blog current and interesting. Updating your blog has to become a scheduled part of your business operation if it is to be truly effective. Another consideration is assigning responsibility for writing blog content and/or actually updating the blog.
Are you going to do this yourself?
Are you going to hire someone to do it for you?
Are you going to do some combination of the two?
These may seem like boring details, and I suppose they are. Certainly they’re not as exciting as actually coming up with creative content that readers will enjoy. These details, though, can mean the difference between the success or failure of your business blogging, so be sure to give them the time and attention they deserve.
Using a Business Blog will teach you exactly how to set up and use your business blog, It will also show you exactly how to use business blogging to reach the most profitable customers possible.
Start the New Year Right
- Focus on creating a new blog to generate ads revenue while making yourself popular?
- Developing and launching a new product?
- Building niche websites for AdSense and affiliate programs?
- Setting up a membership program business?
- Concentrate on Internet marketing methods best to your strength? SEO, social marketing, PPC advertising, etc.
- Starting your own web 2.0 sites?
- Entering into the Affiliate marketing industry?
Within the next two weeks, try to sit down and think how you are going to make money online in the new year, and then write a business plan for 2008.
And below are some free resources and tools that may be able to help you in the new year, to help you start the year right...
There are a total of 20 free e-books, tools and resources you can download in the site. All these free stuffs are helpful to kickstart your online earnings.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Boost Your Affiliate and Marketing Earnings with HopURL
Here's what the tool would do for you:

Get this free tool here.
Is Making Money Online from Private Label Rights for You

If you are not making use of private label rights materials, then you most certainly should be. You are leaving money on the table so to speak by not taking advantage of private label rights material.
You may even have a lot private label right material sitting in some dusty back corner of your hard drive. It is time to take it out, dusts it off and put it to work for you.
If you are a new Internet marketer, it is likely that you are wishing for 48 hour days because you have so much to do just to get your business launched. If you are a seasoned Internet marketer, you are very likely even busier.
There just isn't a lot of time or energy left to create your own digital products, is there? Having new digital products created for you can be a fairly expensive thing. Ghost writers (the good ones) don't work cheap. A single well written article can cost between $10 and $30 and a whole e-book can cost several hundred dollars and you don't just need one of each.
A website eats up material at an alarming rate. It needs to be refreshed, updated and changed constantly. Think private label rights!
You can subscribe to a private label rights website and gain access to all of the digital material that you need for a lot less money than you can have these products produced for you. Granted, the private label rights articles, e-books, reports, etc. that you download are not ready to use a rule.
Unless you are just going to put them in a newsletter, you are going to have to either rewrite and change them yourself or have someone do it for you. However, rewriting only costs half what writing costs.
There are several things that must be done to private label rights material in order for it to become of the greatest possible value to you.
- First the title of any work needs to be changed. You will want to keep your related keywords in the title but change is necessary.
- Second you will need to insert your own keywords into articles, e-books and reports that you download and you will want to change enough words so that you can claim authorship to the material.
Getting the most value out of private label rights products means that you need you be a 'value topper' if you are a natural salesman, you are already a 'value topper'. If you weren't born to sell, you can learn to become a 'value topper'.
Other marketers will have access to the same private label rights products that you do so you need to learn to enhance the value of the products...that us what is meant by the term 'value topper'.
You change to product; you add to the product, you package the product with other products. In other words, you simply make the private label rights product of greater value than it was in its original form.
That is the way you out fox the competition. While others simply download and sell private label rights products at low prices, you increase the value of the product and sell it for a much greater profit.
Private label right products can be used in a variety of ways. Using them to you own best advantage is the objective. If you are an innovator and a value topper:
- You can use private label rights to build your own credibility as a guru in your niche market without having to invest a lot of time or money in the articles, e-books and reports that you need to be able to claim authorship of to accomplish.
- You can use private label rights products to build your own list.
- You can learn to bundle and promote private label rights materials as unique stand-alone products.
Hubpages Needs More Bloggers and Writers

Hubpages is an online publishing community where users can publish their content on the topics they love to write with an opportunity to make money from Google AdSense, eBay and Amazon ads on all their published content. Hubpages has been growing rapidly during the past 12 months, they now have over 100,000 register users and near five millions visitors per month. So if you have been searching for some ways to make money online by writing and still not yet join Hubpages, I suggest you take a look at it.
Hubpages provides a set of non-techie tools to help you publish your articles easily. You can add photo and video to your article pages (hub pages) to make you articles more interesting to read. And since Hubpages get millions of visitors monthly, if your articles are interesting and helpful enough, you may get a lot of people viewing your articles. And more article views would mean more ads revenue generated for you.
You may earn a nice extra income if you publish your articles often and each of your article is good enough to attract a reasonable amount of people reading it. There are actually quite a lot of authors making few hundreds dollar extra every month from Hubpages now. But there are also many users not making money in Hubpages. It all depend on your hard work, the number of articles your have contribute and most importantly the amount of visitors your article pages can attract.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Your New Training Site to Learn Everything about Making Money Online with Membership Sites
Check out the training site here:
The training was build to teach you everything they know about building online businesses and marketing with membership sites to make money online. You'll get free access to all the information you need to get started to profit online with membership sites.
Outsourcing - What it is and how it Benefits the Internet Entrepreneurs
In actually, outsourcing has been going on for many years. The essence of outsourcing is simply engaging the services of an individual or organization outside your full time staffs to handle certain aspects of your business plan.
These aspects may be public relations, marketing, content creation for website, clerical and administrative functions, or IT management. In fact, with today's virtual environment, there is really no part of the business that could not be outsourced effectively.
Of course, the big question is whether or not there are any benefits to outsourcing, especially for persons who are building their business on the Internet to make money online. Actually, there are several good reasons to outsource certain functions. Here are some examples.
Often, an Internet business is set up with a shoestring budget and one person doing all the work. As the business grows, it is easy to get caught in dealing with general office functions, such as answering emails, handling correspondence, creating unique content and maintaining client lists.
By outsourcing your clerical support needs, you can spend more time focusing on the expansion of your business, not the day to day details of running it.
Second, promoting your online presence is a full time job all by itself. You can hardly manage that and still be involved in making the big decisions that impact the overall operations of your company. Using outside agents to promote your presence and to stimulate sales makes it possible for you to do what owners need to do, which is grow the companies roster of goods and services.
Last, outsourcing allows you to not get bogged down with employee taxes, withholding and providing a benefit package. When you outsource to an agency or to another individual, they will not expect a benefit package to go along with their pay.
You will save a great deal of time and money on accounting functions; these savings can be pumped right back into your business and used for expansion.
Outsourcing is a great way to expand your online company without undue stress on your resources. Why not look at your present situation and see if you would benefit from outsourcing a function or two.
How To Make Real Money Online Without A Website And Without Spending Any Cash
The simplest way to make some extra income online is to do affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing means you join a company as an affiliate and promote their product in return for payment of commission on all sales you generate. Commission rates vary but it is not uncommon for commission to be as high as 70%.
Affiliate marketing is highly popular because it is straightforward and hassle-free. All you have to do is promote the products and you get paid commission when people buy; all the financial transactions, delivery etc are handled by the merchant direct. You can make money without having your own website because you will send potential customers straight to the merchant's website.
If you need to make some extra money, chances are you won't want to start off by paying out for advertising, and that is why we are going to look at how to make real money online without a website using free tools and resources. First we'll look at the basic steps you need to take and then we'll look at each one in more detail. This is the procedure in five basic steps:
1. Choose a product you want to promote 2. Sign up as an affiliate to the merchant company 3. Do research to find keywords to use in your promotion 4. Write an article relating to the product 5. Submit the article to high traffic article directories
1. Choosing your affiliate product. You can choose to promote literally anything but it is obviously a good idea if you choose something in demand.
2. Become an affiliate The easiest way to become an affiliate is to sign up to a reliable affiliate program directory such as Clickbank or Share-A-Sale. These directories also help you to find popular products to promote.
3. Do keyword research If you are new to affiliate marketing, you probably got a bit lost at the third point but it is absolutely crucial to your success. If you type "free keyword research tool" into a search engine query box, you will get thousands of results. There are many excellent free keyword research tools available but you must learn how to use them effectively.
4. Write an article Write an article of not less than 500 words relating to the product you are promoting. The article can be in the form of a review, a personal story, a "how to" tip etc; it doesn't matter, as long as the article is relevant to the product and contains the keywords you selected.
5. Publish your article Submit the article for publication at top article directories such as and go When submitting the article, you need to append to it what is called a "resource box" or "author's bio". This is where you include a link to the affiliate product website.
That's the procedure, now a word about how it works. When potential customers use your chosen keywords in search engines queries, your article will appear in a high place because it is posted on a high ranking article directory. People read your article and, with any luck, will be sufficiently interested in what you have said to click on the link in your resource box. This takes them to the merchant's website where they make a purchase.
That, in a nutshell, is how to make real money online without a website and without having to spend any cash.
About the Author
Elaine Currie owns the Top 30 Work At Home Directory at and is the author of Article Writing - 10 Steps To Success. To learn more about how to make real money online without a website, read this article:
Friday, December 14, 2007
The AdSense Finder - A New Software to Help you Make Money Online
Not long ago, Google introduced a new system called "site placement targeting" Where AdWords advertisers can choose to place their ads only on the sites they like to advertise. The good thing about site placement targeting is you can reach highly targeted audience with lesser competition. But, finding a list of relevant and large traffic sites to advertise on can be time-consuming. And the AdSense Finder is created to solve this problem.
What this software will do you is, it will automatically seeks out quality sites that run Adsense, on the exact topics that you want. It then provides the traffic details of these sites and gives you a list that you enter into your campaign so can start advertising on them for a fraction of what the search network costs.
The AdSense Finder is free to download and use. The download link to this software is here. There is no trial version in this software, you'll full access after installing it on your PC.
The Right Content for Your Email Marketing
The importance of hiring a professional writer to assist you in your email marketing campaign cannot be stressed enough. It is one of the most critical elements to the success of your campaign. You may be a decent writer or you may have a staff member who you think can do a good job creating the content for your email marketing but unless you or your staff member is a professional writer by trade, the quality of the work will likely not be of the same quality as a professional can produce. This can be very damaging especially if your competitors are hiring writers to create their content. Your emails will likely not be viewed as favorably as the emails written by professionals.
The content you decide to include in your email marketing efforts is largely a matter of personal preference but there are some methods which have traditionally been more successful than others. The type of content which may be effective often includes informative articles, short useful tips, links to relevant websites, advertising for complementary products and even some subtle forms of advertising which are meant to persuade the recipients of the email to either make a purchase or visit your website.
Full length insightful articles which are likely to be of interest to the members of your email distribution list are an excellent idea for your email marketing campaign. These articles are a good idea because they will likely contain information which the recipients of your email will appreciate. Additionally, these articles give you the opportunity to include information about your products or services in the copy of the email. This can be a subtle form of advertising when it encourages the recipients to purchase a product or service or visit the website without actually asking the recipient to do so.
Short product reviews can also be very useful and helpful when you include them in your email marketing campaign. These reviews can help to attract a great deal of attention especially when the reviews focus on the products you offer and provide favorable reviews for these products. This type of information can either be subjective in nature or can remain objective by simply specifying the features of the products and offering other concrete pieces of information as opposed to opinions of the products.
Advertising is often a quite important part of an email marketing campaign. This advertising may either be direct or indirect in nature. Direct advertising may include banner ads or other graphical advertisements which encourage website visitors to click through the link to reach either your website or a sponsor’s website. Indirect advertising may apply to content in the copy of featured articles which subtly encourage visitors to make a purchase or visit your website. The indirect marketing in an email marketing campaign is usually supporting the products or services you offer while direct marketing will likely promote products and services offered by sponsors who paid to receive advertising space on the email. Email recipients are usually well aware these graphics are part of an advertisement and will choose to click on these links when they have an interest in the products or services being offered.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Free Resources for Making Money Online - 13 Dec 2007
Alex Jeffreys has written down his success stories "how he went from working long days of construction to having a six figure online business in under a year in an e-book titled Post Launch Profits. And he laid down the methods and strategies he have used to generate a six figure online in the past year. So you might want to read this e-book, and learn some his useful techniques for improving your online money making venture.
Real Reason Reports

Paul Smithson is in the process of putting together a series of free reports called Real Reason. This series of reports will tell you why do so many online businesses struggle to achieve their full potential and what can you do to make sure you maximize the chances of success in your online business. The first of these reports has been released and is available for download right now at
Email list Building Video Course has a step-by-step listing building Video course that you can sign up free and get access to the videos to watch how joint venture marketing can grow your subscribers list.
3 Secrets for Creating a Successful Newsletter that will Bring You a Nice Online Profit (Part 1)

So would you like to discover the top 3 secrets of this formula to make your newsletter highly successful?
Then let's get started...
Secret 1 - Give Your Newsletter a Shining Personality
When I compared different highly successful newsletters in different topics, I found a similar very interesting trait in all of them…
Having a personality.
So what does it mean?
It means the author makes his newsletter unique by letting his personality shine through his every word in his newsletter. You see, we are humans and it's a proven fact that people are interested in people. We don't like to read a faceless newsletter who we can't feel a connection with – like a robot has written it.
We want to feel there has been a real person just like ourselves behind the keyboard typing those words. We want to feel we know that person.
How Can You Give a Personal Voice to Your Newsletter?
That's not difficult. Here are some ideas...
Include a section at the beginning of your newsletter called "Editor's Notes". It's where you always get a chance to say "hi" and talk to your subscribers from a more personal level. Here are some other creative names for this section that I've heard...
(For example the editor's name is Mike)
• Greetings from Mike
• Mike's Friendly Corner
• Coffee Break
• Mike's Ramblings
• On The Personal Note
The list can go on and on.
Another good idea is to include your photo in your newsletter. You can just include a small photo of yourself in the Editor's Notes section. (Of course you'll need to have an HTML newsletter to be able to include pictures.)
Also you can talk about some recent things that are happening in your life. For example if it's near Christmas, let your readers know what your plans are for the holidays. In the upcoming weeks before Christmas, tell you readers what you're going to do.
3 Secrets for Creating a Successful Newsletter that will Bring You a Nice Online Profit (Part 2)
Want to have a newsletter with thousands of fans and loyal readers?
Then simply give your readers helpful information that they want.
What does it mean?
It's simple. Everybody knows you should offer helpful content in your newsletter.
But what few people pay attention to, is giving their readers what really want. Because not every helpful information is what your readers want. Let's say you publish a newsletter about cars. You keep including information and pictures for Mercedes Benz in issue after issue.
The information and pictures are really cool and useful. So you think your readers love it.
But without you knowing this, there is a problem with that…
85% of your readers are interested in Ferrari – and not even a bit interested about Mercedes Benz. So imagine how frustrating it is for them to hear all about Mercedes Benz in your newsletter week after week.
See the problem here?
That's why you should not only provide helpful content, but also the information that your readers really want. Otherwise, it will be like giving very valuable information about growing a coconut tree to Eskimos. Your information is still very helpful – but not to your readers.
Most newsletter publishers give their readers what they think their readers want… which is by the way 80% not right. So How can you discover what your readers really want?
Simply ask them!
Yes, you can run a simple and easy survey from your list and ask them what they want to find most in your newsletter. You'll be surprised about the responses. You can simply create your survey outline by email and send it to your list and ask them to reply back, or if you want to look more professional and get more response, you can simply use SurveyMonkey. It's a great survey service that I have personally used and have seen other big newsletter publishers use too. So find out what your readers most like to hear about, and then give it to them. Then I promise you will have a big list of fans and loyal happy readers behind you.
Now let's get to the last newsletter success secret.
Secret 3 - Use a Professional, Reader Friendly Newsletter Design
I still can't believe how many honest, hard-working newsletter publishers spend hours on writing and preparing each issue and still kill their efforts and results by using a poor newsletter design for their newsletter.
It's like you spend years of your life writing an awesome book and then when it comes to choosing a cover for it, you use a very cheap and low-quality paper and write the book title in handwriting on its cover.
Wouldn't it be insane?
Still, some people do the same with their newsletter. Even if the newsletter content is very helpful, people won't still read it because they are turned off by the low quality and cheap looking design so much that assume the content will be as bad as the design. Or maybe the design is so bad that hurts their eye to read the articles – like too small text or a cluttered look that confuses them which part is where.
So what about you?
Is your newsletter design really professional? Or maybe it is killing your newsletter readership...
You can read this article and learn 3 ways to easily get a professional design for your newsletter that your readers will love. You will find this article an eye-opener.
Final Thoughts
So now you know the top 3 secrets to have your own highly successful newsletter...
1. Give Your Newsletter a Personal Voice
2. Provide Helpful Content that Your Readers want
3. Use a Professional Design for Your Newsletter
So now you are armed with powerful information that can help you transform your newsletter success.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Make Money Online by Contributing to
Publishing articles in Wikimmunity is fairly easy. First, you need to register yourself as an affiliate of Wikimmunity and then you will be given access to start publishing articles. You'll get paid $1 for each approved article that has a minimum length of 200 words.
$1 per article seems to be too little, but if you have a lot of local things to talk about, this is may be a good way to earn extra cash. And since you are an affiliate of Wikimmunnity, you can send your website visitors through your affiliate ID to Wikimmunity to join and publish articles in Wikimmunity. You'll also get paid for the approved articles published by your website visitors.
To sign up and start contributing in Wikimmunity, simply go to:
Wikimmunity affiliate sign-up page
The minimum payout is $25 and payments are sent on or before the 15th of the month for the previous month's earnings.
Learn to Achieve More in the Next 12 Months than the Previous 12 years in this Thursday Tele-Seminar
Does everything seem to move so painfully slow that sometimes you feel like you want to abandon your long-term goals and online money making venture completely?
Well, you're not alone.
Even the highly successful people can find themselves frustrated by the barriers and roadblocks that will stop their movement to success.
Don't get discourage easily as there are people on the Internet can help you.
This Thursday 2pm EST and 8pm EST, Derek Gehl will be holding a 70 minute tele-seminar with Dan Kennedy, the advisor to ultra-successful entrepreneurs, and the creator of the new DVD sensation - The Phenomenon™ to show you exactly what to do and how to do it to be successful in your business.
There is no charge to participate in this tele-seminar except for the normal long distance charges.
Register now to reserve your spot.
And just for registering and showing up for the call, you can claim a bonus gift.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A Way to Make Some Quick Cash Online in this Christmas Season
You'll be paid $1.00 for every single person you refer to Santa Sal that signs up Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway. And if the person you refer invites a friend to join Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway, you'll be paid $0.50 for the sign up. So they are paying out 2 levels.
The link to sign up Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway is Once you have sign up, you will not see any free products uploaded in the member area yet, the free products should be uploaded very soon into the member area, and you will be given a unique URL to invite people to join Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway and make money for every confirmed sign up.
Make Money Online with Pay Per Play Audio Ads

Because of the expansion, NetAudioAds™ are now inviting web publishers to join their PPP network and make money running PPP audio ads on websites and blogs.
How does PPP audio ads work?
When you join the NetAudioAds™ PPP network, you will be given a set PPP code that need to be inserted into your site. Once the code has been inserted, your site will start running PPP audio ads. Every time a visitor land on you site, a 5 second audio ad will automatically play and after the 5 second audio ad finished playing, you'll earn 25% of the ad revenue spent by the advertisers that play audio ads on your website.
It works just like CPM basis. The more visitors you drive to your site, the more times your audio ad will play and the more ad revenue you'll earn.
Besides that, NetAudioAds™ PPP network has a affiliate program where you can join and earn by simply referring other web publishers to run PPP ads on their website(s). You'll earn 5% of what the advertiser spends on PPP ads played on the website(s) of those referred by you up to 2 tiers.
Is NetAudioAds™ PPP audio ads compatible with Google AdSense program
I have re-read Google AdSense program policies and didn't find any rule and policy that disallow publishers to use PPP audio ads together with AdSense contextual ads. So you will not against any AdSense policies when using PPP audio ads in conjunction with AdSense text ads.
Increase web revenue without driving additional traffic
Theoretical speaking, adding PPP audio ads to your site will increase your online revenue without traffic increase needed. Practically, it only works if the 5 second ads doesn't annoy most of your visitors. 5 second isn't long, I think many of the visitors are willing to listen to the audio ads.
It is not difficult to find out whether PPP audio ads are working or not on your site. All you have to is test the PPP audio ads on your site for a few days. If there is not obvious negative effect to your AdSense and affiliate revenue after adding audio ads, it is a good news as you'll be making more money online with your site without extra effort on traffic building.
PPP can be placed on free websites and blogs
According to the FAQ of NetAudioAds™ is allowing websites and blogs that are hosted in free hosting servers. So if you own a blogspot blog, you definitely can join NetAudioAds™ and place their PPP ads. And you can even insert your PPP code into your social networking profile pages if the terms of your social networking sites allow.
Click here to join NetAudioAds™ PPP audio ads network.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Some Christmas Gifts from Joel Comm that are Useful for Making Money Online
Five Original Instant AdSense Templates
- The AdSense templates are loaded with PLR content. They can be uploaded instantly to your web host and publish on the Internet to make money with AdSense.
Kontera AdLinks Secrets v2.0 ebook
- This e-book will give you tips and ideas for monetizing your website with Kontera Content Link advertising program.
Traffic Geyser $1 Trial Membership
- Video can generate massive traffic for you but only if you know the right ways to create and market your videos. The Traffic Geyser is a system you can follow to generate traffic videos.
ScriptDojo $0.01 Trial Membership
- Find out which scripts were naughty or nice at ScriptDojo.
Get Joel Comm Christmas gifts now at
Friday, December 7, 2007
Using Google Adsense to Make Money Off Your Website
We've all been to Internet sites loaded with pop-ups and defaced with flashing banner ads that hurt our eyes and tell us that we've been selected to win a prize only to click the link and be disappointed. Why do Internet sites advertise this way? It's because people see the advertisement and some (few) want to click on it because of the promise the advertisement has to offer. These Internet sites hope that a few of their visitors will click the irrelevant ads just so they can make a few cents. The idea of offering website visitors a free prize or a million dollars, may seem like a lucrative way of making money through advertising on a site, but it's not the most effective way to bring in advertising dollars.
The key to bringing in money through selling advertisement is to remember who your visitors are. If your site is about automobiles, sure a few of your visitors may click that free prize banner at the top of your page, but chances are not enough people are going to click it for you to make any real good money. Instead, you should focus all your advertisement to be on the subject of automobiles. Perhaps offer advertisement on your website dealing with automobile parts or automobile auctions. By targeting your advertisement to appeal to your average website visitor, your odds of having that visitor click the advertisement on your site goes up.
So just exactly how do you easily find partners to sell advertising to that relates to your website's content? Sure, you could wait around for some automobile parts manufacture to email you and tell you that they're interested in advertising on your automobile website, but there's no guarantee that will happen. Instead, the answer is Google Adsense. By pasting Google's Adsense code on your Internet site, Google automatically sends ads to your visitors that relate to your website's content. When visitors click that advertisement, Google shares the profit with you.
How much can you expect to make using Google's Adsense program? There's no way to tell exactly what you will make. Each Internet site is different, therefore revenue will greatly vary. Although Google has not officially told us exactly how they share the revenue with us, it's been estimated that Google shares 50% of the profit generated off your website.
Setting up a Google Adsense account is simple. You fill in a simple form on their website ( to create an account for free, paste the code onto your website, and fill out a simple tax form. Finding the right ads to place on your website has never been easier. It's all automatic once you paste in the code on your website. More and more websites everyday are switching over to Google Adsense for their advertising revenue. More targeted advertising equals more advertisement revenue!
About the Author
Darin Kleb is the owner of , a site offering articles and information targeted to teach people how to make money online. Visit his website to learn how to make money on the internet.
Get Some Online Money Making Ideas from the eBay 2007 Holiday Hot List

The predicted top 25 hottest eBay sellers in the list are:
1 iPhone | 13 PlayStation 3 |
2 Webkinz / Lil'Kinz | 14 I'm Not A Plastic Bag |
3 Transformers | 15 Motorola RAZR2 |
4 Collectible Barbie | 16 Designer Fragrances |
5 Dooney & Bourke Zebra Tote | 17 Citizen Eco-Drive Watch |
6 Nintendo Wii | 18 Nike Air Max 360 II |
7 T.M.X. Friends - Ernie & Cookie Monster | 19 Abercrombie & Fitch Hoodie Jacket |
8 BCBG Dress | 20 Dept. 56 Snow Villages |
9 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | 21 Nike SasQuatch Sumo2 |
10 Rock Band Video Game | 22 Gibson Electric Guitar |
11 iPod nano 8GB (Black) | 23 Craftsman Hand Tool Set |
12 The Simpsons | 24 Burton Snowboard |
25 Vtech Gadget |
The above are just the overview of the list. You can get access to the full details here.
The list has been created by eBay based on research, interviews with respected industry experts, and review on Internet blog and past eBay holiday data. So, you can rely on it.
It tells you what products will be in high demand and and short supply in the holidays. So saving you a lot of time and work in figuring out whats to sell in eBay or in your website for the holiday seasons. For those who make money with AdSense and affiliate programs using niche website and blog, you may get a couple of niche ideas looking at the list.
Using Business Cards and Coupons to Generate Traffic for Your Website
First of all, make your business cards or coupon actually say who you are and what you do. I don’t know how many times I’ve found a business card and had no idea who it was or what they did. Of course I wasn’t going to call them to find out… so the card just found a new place in my garbage can. That probably wasn’t what the person had in mind when they gave it to me, but then again, no one wants their promotional materials to end up in the garbage.
Ideas to make your Business Cards or Coupons Sticky:
- Make your promos “sticky”. Give the recipient a reason to hold onto it.
- If you run a football card trading store, then print your business cards onto a schedule for your local Pro or Semi-Pro football team.
- Turn the card into a fridge magnet.
- Hand-write a note onto them to make them stand out.
- Give out bookmarks, calendars, recipe cards, or notepads with your URL on them.
- Print a quote, tip or inspirational saying on your cards.
- Include a cartoon or joke on your cards.
- Write “for a free gift, stop by” … on your cards, and send them to your mailing list where you can include a freebie when they sign up.
If you ship products, include your business cards or coupons with every order. Encourage your customers to share them with friends, and they may end up bringing you new customers.
This is a great way to network with moms. Send your coupons to business womens (who aren’t your direct competition) and ask them to include your coupons with their orders and offer to do the same. Your customers will appreciate the discounted offers and you’ll both benefit. Find out where people in your target market hang out and leave some cards there. Are you trying to reach Breastfeeding moms? Then, go to a LaLeche meeting and leave coupons there. Is your target market Christian moms? Go to a Christian bookstore or even a prayer group and ask if you can give away some goodies to the members. You’ll get your name in front of exactly the people you’re looking for – which is the goal.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A New Video from Andy Jenklin Showing How You can Multiply Your Online Revenue Using only a Cool Trick
The first video of Going Natural 2.O has just released today by Andy. In this video, Andy will show you a cool trick that took one of his e-commerce sites from making $1,000 a day to $2,988 a day in less than one month.
Going Natural 2.O - First Video
Andy has made this video professional with step-by-step guide to help you learn the technique he has applied to increase traffic and sales.
Make Money with Affiliate Programs Using Ezine Articles (Part 1)

They know they are supposed to write an article, include some kind of clever offer in the text or in their resource box, and convince editors to publish their article.
But, there is a *very* clever way to use your article to promote like you've never seen before.
And I'm going to share it with you right now.
There are only five steps.
Step 1: Choose the product or service you want to promote.
This one is kind of a no-brainer. It all begins with deciding what you want to promote. Is it your own product or service? How about your favorite affiliate program?
We're not talking about your newsletter -- we're talking about an actual offer you want to present that you'll earn profits from when readers of your article make a purchase.
Decide what it is that you want to promote through your free ezine article. And then move on.
Step 2: Determine your "useful, but incomplete" approach.
I love to use what Jimmy D. Brown has coined as the "useful, but incomplete" approach when using freebies of any kind. (Ezine articles, free eBooks, reports, eCourses, etc.)
What he means by that is simply this: You provide your reader with "useful" information (something they find of value and are able to actually apply) but make certain that it is "incomplete" in that they can better use the information by making a purchase.
That's "useful, but incomplete." And it works like a charm.
The idea is to use your content to build up to your desired response. You provide the reader with content, and then you make an offer that allows them to fully utilize the content, gain extra insight from the content or maximize the content in some additional way.
Let me give you an example:
Let’s say I wanted to promote Aweber in a free ezine article. This is a service that offers unlimited autoresponders, tracking and all kinds of other stuff for one low price.
So, how could I use an ezine article to promote the service?
By writing an article that explains how to benefit from using autoresponders or mailing lists. My article explains different uses of autoresponders and how the reader can profit from implementing the ideas.
And, naturally, they will need an autoresponder service in order to put the ideas into practice, right?
And I just happen to know of a great service they can use.
OK, so that's an example of how to promote a SERVICE offer with your ezine article. What about a software product or an eBook?
Want some examples?
Good, because I've got two...
TO PROMOTE A SOFTWARE PRODUCT: Let's suppose you want to promote Armand Morin's eCover Generator. How can you do it?
-- Write an article outlining how important presentation of your offer is, and how creating a cover graphic can increase response rates by up to 1300%.
-- Write a step-by-step tutorial article for "do-it-yourselfers", explaining how to design your own graphics from scratch. And then promote the software as a
super-simplified way of doing it.
TO PROMOTE AN EBOOK: Want to promote Jimmy D. Brown’s
-- Write an article that covers the "basics" of building lists, and then promote Jimmy’s product as the "advanced" tactics.
-- Write an article on how to profit from a list, and then promote Jimmy’s eBook as the "how to build the list."
See how easy this is?
That's how it works. Determine what your "useful, but incomplete" approach will be, and then...
To Continue reading part 2 of this article, please click here.
Make Money with Affiliate Programs Using Ezine Articles (Part 2)
Step 3: Turn your approach into a tips list or tutorial.
Let's use my example again. I decided that I would describe various uses of autoresponders and how the reader can actually profit from them. What kind of tips list or tutorial could I create?

"7 Powerful And Profitable Ways To Use Autoresponders To Skyrocket Your Sales and Subscribers!
"Want to Increase Your Online Profits And Leads? Here are 7 Ways to Do It..."
That's all you need to do. Determine your end result. Decide how to get there with your "useful, but incomplete" approach. And then develop a list, or even a step-by-step tutorial for your article that leads the reader along.
With each new "idea" or "way" or "tip" or "step" or "strategy" that you share, you can further direct the reader towards realizing their need of your upcoming offer, and lay the foundation for them to accept the offer.
Step 4: Expand on each point to build your content.
Here's more of the easy part. Just "fill-in-the-blanks" to complete your article.
Write 1-2 short paragraphs for each of your points. Make them good. Provide quality content. The offer you will soon make will see poor results if your information isn't useful.
Remember, you are trying to presell the reader on the idea that they are going to need your offer. If you don't provide them with quality information that they WANT to begin using immediately, then why will they want to buy what you are promoting?
Light a fire in them. Motivate them. Challenge them. Give them such nuggets of gold that they want to keep mining until they hit the mother lode!
Step 5: Put on the finishing touches with the "five pillars."
There are five things that you should always do to finish up your ezine article. Don't skip any of them. They are all critical...
1. Polish. Re-read your article. Does it provide information that really is "useful" to the reader? And yet leaves them wanting even more? That's what you want. Polish it. Put on the wax and make it shine. It has a very specific purpose -- make certain it has the means to achieve it.
4. Publish. Zip your new article out to your favorite list of publishers. Submit it to the announcement lists and the ezine directories. Don't forget to publish it yourself in your own newsletter!
5. Profit. If you've covered all the bases that I've mentioned, then profits are almost certain to start coming in when your ezine article is published. You deserve it. Be proud of your accomplishments.
And then start it all over again!Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Free Resources Helpful to Make Money Online - 05 Dec 2007

Overlooked Treasure is a brand new publication from Scott Foster where you can subscribe free and learn what types of everyday items can bring your good profit. Overlookerd Treasure is now open for subscription at If you subscribe now, you'll received a bonus report called "91 Common Everyday Items that Bring Huge Profits on eBay" from Scott. The report details little-known everyday items that you can pick up for a song and resell for a huge profit on ebay.
There are plenty of free resources and materials for referral marketing in They provide newsletter, audio training and e-books to help you get more referrals for your online business which will increase your online profit.
The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry Report
Why are so many people who are trying to start, launch, and grow an online business - with all of the information available showing you how to do that - still frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, and no closer to the success you desire than when you started? The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry report will expose exactly what the problems are and give you some help you can depend on. To get a copy of this report, please go to Nitromarketing Blog.
Building Your Home Business with Blog Marketing
Having a blog marketing home business would definitely entail that you have more than one blog. If this is something that you are considering, you will want to identify a number of niche markets that your blogs can cover.
To make a full-time income with blog marketing, you must know and understand every aspect of blog. You need to learn what has to be done to get readers and visitors for your blog, how to write content for it on a consistent basis and how to make it achieves first page in search engines. Doing so will lead to successful blog marketing and making a steady income at home.
One big aspect of blog marketing is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is about optimizing your blog for search phrases related to your blog so that the search engines will find it and rank it as high as possible. Which also leads to more free traffic and revenue for your blog. If you don't have much time to learn about SEO, you may consider hiring someone to optimize you blog and do all the tedious SEO works for you.
You are going to outsource much of your work if you plan on making a living from your niche blogs. You may want to look for writers that can write the content for your blogs on an ongoing basis and submitting your blogs to directories. Write down all of the duties on a spread sheet and decide what need to be done daily for each blog. This will keep your blogs and home business more organized and knows what you need to do when, as well as prioritize. Using a spread sheet will also help you keep track of who is doing what.
Blog marketing is just like any other home business. The more effort you put into it the more you get out of it. If you only spend a few hours per week to work on your blogs, you can not expect to earn a living with them. However, being consistent and working on your blogs every chance that you get will pay off in the long run. You will soon find that there is no better feeling in the world than owning your own home business, and working for yourself.
Just remember to start small, learn marketing and work hard. That are what you need to succeed in blog marketing and make the amount of money you desire. All of your effort will pay off if you are persistent and working hard to keep it up.