Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Make Money Online by Contributing to is a fairy new website where people worldwide can join as a writer and make money for their contribution on local info. Writers of Wikimmunity will be responsible for writing and publishing articles about local communities, places, organization, businesses, events and anything else related to where they live, making Wikimmunity become an online community with information from local communities around the US and around the world.

Publishing articles in Wikimmunity is fairly easy. First, you need to register yourself as an affiliate of Wikimmunity and then you will be given access to start publishing articles. You'll get paid $1 for each approved article that has a minimum length of 200 words.

$1 per article seems to be too little, but if you have a lot of local things to talk about, this is may be a good way to earn extra cash. And since you are an affiliate of Wikimmunnity, you can send your website visitors through your affiliate ID to Wikimmunity to join and publish articles in Wikimmunity. You'll also get paid for the approved articles published by your website visitors.

To sign up and start contributing in Wikimmunity, simply go to:

Wikimmunity affiliate sign-up page

The minimum payout is $25 and payments are sent on or before the 15th of the month for the previous month's earnings.

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