As a new web marketer, getting traffic will be one of your challenges. Here, I will provide you a few tips that will help you build traffic for your new website.
Avoid Duplicate Content
Write unique content for your website. Don’t simply take those articles from article banks and re-publish them on your website. As your website is new, you want the search engines to crawl your site and subsequently get your website indexed by the search engines so that you get the chance to enjoy free search engine traffic later. A new website that contains a large portion of duplicate content could have a hard time getting indexed by the search engines.
Social Bookmarking
Bookmark your articles in large social bookmarking websites such as Digg, del.icio.us, simply and so on. This could generate some free traffic to you. If you want to get more traffic through social bookmarketing, you got to write more unique articles and book mark them.
Comment on Blogs
Post comments on the blogs related to your website. Find 5 to 10 related blogs which have gained massive amount of traffic, take the time to read the posts of these blogs and post your comments on them. You could possible get 10 to 20 daily visitors from these blogs from your comment posting effort.
Make Use of Article Marketing
Start creating 400 – 500 words articles that provide some useful info and then submit them to article banks and directories. The two main benefits you’ll get from article marketing are free targeted traffic and free relevant backlinks.
Build Backlinks for Google Traffic
Once you have used social bookmarking, blog comment posting and article marketing, your website will soon get into the index of search engines. These method should have increased your backlinks and by the time your website indexed by search engines, you might find that one or two of your webpages show up on first page in Google for long tail keywords.
These long tail keywords will send you very limited traffic, may be only 1 to 2 visitors daily, but you will be excited to see some of your web pages rank first page on Google. If you want more Google traffic, you got to work more on increasing your backlinks. To get the most backlinks for your site, you'll first need to learn all the possible ways of increase relevant backlinks for your website, then put hard effort on link building.
There are of course many other methods of getting traffic, but at the beginning, you might want to use the above mentioned methods as they wouldn’t cost you money to use. To get consistent traffic, you need to keep on repeating the process. i.e. If you prefer article marketing, you will write new articles for publication on article banks again and again. So, repeating the process will make sure traffic keep coming to your site.
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