is a unique ad site that brings buyers and sellers together. It is a free ad site. Anyone with a valid email address can sign up as a member of Craigslist and start posting ad. The simple way to make money with Craigslist is by posting ads on the site to sell your items.

Craigslist isn't similar to auction site like is specialized in providing free classified ad services to Internet users.
There are numerous categories in, you can post an ad for just about anything for sale on Craigslist. But, don't straight away post an ad to sell your item on Craigslist before doing some researches first. Check out a number of categories to see what types of ads people are posting; what items they are offering for sale on Craigslist. This gives you have an idea of what sort of items that people often like to post an ad on Craigslist to sell them.
Then, you will need to decide what to sell. Some good choices are car parts, furniture, arts, baby items, crafts items and pet items. Once you have decided what product to sell, the next thing to do is take a few good photos on each of your items and then list them in the right category. Your ad copy will have a great influence on both attracting potential buyers and generating sales. So, you may need to take some time to learn and research how to write a good ad. The ad period is 45 days and after that it will expire. You can always re-list it when it expired.
You may be getting inquiries from the viewers. Make sure you reply to all their questions as soon as possible. If you want your ad to appear near the top of the page often, you will need to cancel your ads every week and re-list them. As your ad listings getting older, they will drops down toward the bottom of the page until no one will notice them. This is why you should keep removing and re-lisiting your ad in every 7 days or less.
Your potential buyers who come to Craigslist to find products or services will find your ads. But, to get even more viewers, it is necessary to put some effort to market your Craigslist ad listing on other places. If you own a website, you can tell your visitors about your Craigslist ad listing. You can also promote it on forums by adding the link to your ad in your signature. Or you may think about using article marketing. Publish articles relevant to your items or Craigslist ads on article banks. In the author bio section of your articles, include the link to your ad so that the interested readers can find your ads.
These are some of the techniques to increase your Craigslist ad views which will give you better chance of selling the item. Another way is to list different items in many categories. The more items you offer for sale, the more likely that someone will make a purchase.
Another idea to make money with Craigslist is by visiting yard sales to purchase used items such as furniture, small appliances, and lawn mowers. Once these items are refurbishes, they can be sold on Craigslist for a profit.
All the above are just a few tips and ideas for making money on I am sure that you will think up many more when you have started in Craigslist.