To know how well your website traffic is converting into income you can do a simple calculation to get the conversion rate of your traffic. Let say you are getting 1000 visitors daily and 10 out of the 1,000 visitors are taking action to buy a product on your website. The conversion rate is 1%. The simple formula for calculating conversion rate percentage is:
10 (Number of visitors taking a preferred action) divided by 1,000 (Number of people visiting your website) multiplied by 100 equal to Conversion Rate Percentage
Improving the conversion rate is the way to increase your sales, leads or income. The first thing you need to do is to review your latest month traffic stat and your sales or revenue report. Get the figures and calculate your daily conversion rate for 15 to 20 days. The outcome will tell you the range of your daily conversion rate (i.e. 1 – 2%, 2 – 4%) and how well your website have performed.
Once you get to know your conversion rate, you may start making the necessary changes and website optimizations to increase your conversion rate.
Here are some of the tips that will help you convert more traffic into cash:
Use Web Video
Adding a video onto your e-commerce website can make big difference in term of sales and conversion. A simple video introduction about your products or services can make you stand out from the crowd. You will simply make your visitors more interested to buy from you than your competitors.
Allow Product Return
Set a return policy or offer money guarantee back to your potential customers. As the competition of online businesses is fierce, there is a need to use these policies to maintain your conversion rate. And if no one is using it, you gain an advantage of getting more sales.
Provide more Quality Content
The content can be ‘how to’ articles targeted to your visitors interest or reviews on products or services. When purchasing online, people often need more supportive information before making their decision, so, publishing good product reviews and articles can encourage your visitors buy your affiliate products. If you are making money with AdSense, adding more quality content pages will probably convert more of your traffic into AdSense commission.
Adding Trust Seals
Make the visitors feel secure to purchase from you. The fastest way is to money to get the trust seals from BBB.org and Tuste.org. With these trust seals placed on your e-commerce website, your let your visitors know that you are doing real business and thus they don’t have to worry about whether it is safe to buy from you.
Collect Feedbacks
Ask for feedbacks from your visitors. You may use online survey to gather your visitors feedbacks. Place a link or image on the sidebar of your home page. The link or image will be an invitation to your visitors for taking a survey. The purpose of your survey should be focusing on improving your business to serve your customers better. So, whatever question you ask should be relevant directly to this purpose.
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