If you are involving in some kinds of online money making ventures or doing Internet

To sell for a good price, you obviously need to increase the value of your domain and website. This article will give you some tips that will make your site appreciate in value.
Your Site Traffic
The amount of traffic your site get daily and monthly is one of the most important factors of increasing your site value. There are websites sold for more than $10,000 simply because the massive traffic those websites have gained. Thus, websites that built in with existing traffic often sell well.
Site Revenue
Buyers will be very interested to know how much your site is earning each month. If your site is generating consistent revenue with the existing traffic. The buyer will be happy to obtain your domain name and prepared to pay for the high selling price you set.
Site’s Rankings in Search Engines Result Pages
When it comes to search engine rankings, Google is the primary search engines that will make your site valuable. If your site rank pretty high for multiple high competitive keywords in Google, it could mean a large part of your existing traffic are coming from Google. Google traffic are very targeted and converting well into sales or income. So, people are excited to get websites that have high search engine rankings.
One-way Backlinks Links
The number of inbound links your site have gained will also impact the value as they are a way to determine your site's popularity and worth. The backlinks have to be relevant to your site and it is even better if those websites linking to you are in high PR.
Google PageRank
Google designed their own Pagerank system to roughly determine the quality of a website. Most websites in the index of Google got a pagerank score. The Pagerank score is from 1 to 10. 10 is the best score. The Pagerank (PR) doesn't actually determine the site's quality accurately, but the buyers are generally willing to pay more for high PR domain name.
Unique, relevant and helpful content that published on your website will take into account in calculating the value of your website. The more unique and quality content you have, the better the selling price.
Developing a good website can be hard. But, with serious effort and more time invested, you can build a website that attracts traffic and brings in steady stream of income. When you have done that, you will have created a sellable domain name and website.
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