You can gather your potential customers email addresses by offering something free on your website to entice your potential customers to sign up your offer and give you their email addresses.
Once you got their email addresses, you will start connecting with them often to build up a good

Writting effective and successful email does require skill and knowledge.You need to know

Below are 15 tips to help you out with your sales emails:
1. Many research have been conducted to find out the best day to send email and the result showed that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days.
2. The word 'testing' is important in email marketing. You should always test your email before sending it. First, use a spell checker, then a spam checker, and finally, email it to yourself before you send it to anyone else.
3. Use targeted marketing methods when growing your email list to ensure that those who opt-in to your email list are your target prospect. It is worthless to send email to people who have no interest on what you offer or on your website topic.
4. Research found that people read a message approximately seven times before they will purchase something. So Don’t just recommend your product once – recommend it a few times.
5. Never send out more than one email per day. Depending on what audience you have, you may want to set to send email once or twice per week. At the same time, you don’t want your audience to forget about you. So never let more than a week pass by without connecting your audience.
6. You may send out old offers to your new email subscribers, as long as the messages that you write are not ‘time specific.’ This will allow you to keep profiting from your old emails over and over again, as long as they are still related. Make sure that you keep those old emails clean, and remove sales emails for products that are no longer selling.
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